Forward to Sets and Series [#GRZ_200] >>
Thank you for your interest. Following is an index of articles published on LinkedIn. Certain numbers are omitted or do not follow systematically by expired advertisement or other irregularity. When I first began to publish articles on LinkedIn, I did not expect to publish so many articles, or so often, or on so many diverse topics. Such as they are, and with all faults. But having now the opportunity to reflect upon the articles published over a period of time, I thought it might be helpful—for the purpose of future reference—to provide an easily accessible index. Thank you for reading. ~ Gregg Zegarelli
This index: The LinkedIn Article Master Index [#GRZ_188]
- LinkedIn Article Master Index – Sets and Series Index [#GRZ_200] – {} Braces are used as indicators following each index item, where applicable.
- The Business of Aesop™ LinkedIn Article Index [#GRZ_23]
- The Essential Aesop LinkedIn Article Index [#GRZ_144]
- The ONE® LinkedIn Reference Set [GRZ_183]
Certain articles are categorized in Sets and Series, identified with {} braces after the sequential numerical listing below. The Sets and Series Index [#GRZ_200] needed to be separated out of this index because of LinkedIn size limitations for a post. Some sets are linked as sets with << Back – Forward >> indicators in the articles for convenience, where applicable, usually at the bottom of the articles in the set.
- Fables and Stories, Aesop’s Fables Series, Abridgment, The Proseuché (The Prayer of Socrates), The History of the Decline and Fall of the American Hegemony, the ONE® Series, To Be or Not to Be, The Business of Aesop™, Legal, Prediction, Industry and Socio-Political, Hate Speech, NFL Sports, Social Justice, Aphorisms, Donald Trump.
[1] Persuasion and Force – Business of Aesop™ No. 1 – The North Wind and Sun. [#GRZ_1] “Disciplina custos est integritatis.” (“Discipline is the keeper of integrity.”); “Primum sapientiam, deinde disciplinam.” (“Wisdom first, then discipline.”); “Viribus optime ostensum est in sua continentia.” (“Power is best shown in its own restraint.”); “Prima lex potentiae est quomodo impedita.” (“The first law of power is how it is to be controlled.”); “Sapientia ars eligit, sed disciplina rectam tenet.” (“Wisdom chooses the tactic, but Discipline holds the line.”) {Business of Aesop™}
[2] Anatomy of a Lawyer Engagement Fraud Scam [#GRZ_2]
[3] Teamwork – Business of Aesop™ No. 4 – The Donkey and the Mule. [#GRZ_3] “Malum consilium fortuna est.” (“Luck is bad strategy.”) {Business of Aesop™}
[4] Big Ideas – Business of Aesop™ No. 8 – Belling the Cat [#GRZ_4] {Business of Aesop™} “‘Si’ est maximum parvum verbum in hoc mundo.” (“‘If’ is the biggest little word in the world.”)
[5] Loving the Deal – Business of Aesop™ No. 85 – The Lion in Love [#GRZ_5] “Actus stultos fortuna egent, et fortunam consilii mali esse scimus.” (“Foolish acts need luck, and we know that luck is a bad strategy.”) {Business of Aesop™}
[6] The Entrepreneurial Spirit® Daily Inspirational Email [#GRZ_6]
[7] A Message to Garcia (and Every Entrepreneur) – Abridgment Series [#GRZ_7] {Abridgement}
[8] Protecting Your Brand / Trademark with Automated Monitoring [#GRZ_8] {Legal}
[9] Branding: 8 Common Questions About Trademarks! [#GRZ_9] {Legal}
[10] The Federal Trademark ® Process-How It Works! [#GRZ_10] {Legal}
[11] The Great Masquerade – Stand for America® [#GRZ_11] “Veritas scurra est, aut mendax. Nam semper ad me venit in specie desiderii mei. Postea hominem larvatum deprehendo.” (“The Truth is a jokester, or a liar. For, each time, he comes to me in the exact appearance of my desire. I later discover that he wore a mask.”) {Fables and Stories}
[12] Stand for America® – Issue 1. Stand for America [#GRZ_12] {Fables and Stories}
[13] Hiring on Hope – The Business of Aesop™ No. 90 – The Cat-Maiden [#GRZ_13] {Business of Aesop™}
[14-15 Omitted]
[16] Jesus and the (Other) Greatest Commandment [#GRZ_16] “Positio ballerina non est naturalis, usque ad est.” (“The posture of the ballerina is not natural, until it is.”) {Social Justice}
[17] Epictetus. On the Tranquil Flow of Life. – Abridgment Series [#GRZ_17] {Abridgement}
[18] Seneca. On the Misfortune of Good Men. Abridgment Series [#GRZ_18] {Abridgement}
[19] Theodore Roosevelt-The Strenuous Life – Abridgment Series [#GRZ_19] {Abridgement}
[20] Rules of Money-Getting, by P.T. Barnum – Abridgment Series [#GRZ_20] {Abridgement}
[21] The Ben-Hur Team-Building Principle™ [#GRZ_21] {Fables and Stories}
[22] Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016 (DTSA) with Whistleblower Immunity [#GRZ_22] {Legal}
[23] The Business of Aesop™ Article Index [#GRZ_23] {Business of Aesop™}
[24] Epilogue: On the Wisdom of Aesop [#GRZ_24] “Sapientia ars practica est.” (“Wisdom is a practical art.”) {Aesop’s Fables}
[25] Going It Alone – Business of Aesop™ No. 21. – Two Travelers and the Purse [#GRZ_25] {Business of Aesop™}
[26] Be Prepared – Business of Aesop™ No. 29. – The Wild Boar and the Fox. [#GRZ_26] “Malum consilium fortuna est.” (“Luck is bad strategy.”) {Business of Aesop™}
[27] Reflections on Thoughts of a Philosophical Fighter Pilot – On Leadership – Abridgment Series [#GRZ_27] {Abridgement}
[28] Burning Bridges – Business of Aesop™ No. 15 – The Lion and the Mouse. [#GRZ_28] “Viribus optime ostensum est in sua continentia.” (“Power is best shown in its own restraint.”); “Fortuna est malum consilium ad vitam.“ (“Luck is bad life strategy.”) {Business of Aesop™}
[29] The #1 Email Error – Do You Fail in Best Practice Emails? [#GRZ_29] {Industry}
[30] Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! – Abridgment Series [#GRZ_30] {Abridgement}
[31] The Declaration of Independence – Abridgment Series [#GRZ_31] {Abridgement}
[32] When Was America Great? – Stand for America® [#GRZ_32] {Social Justice}
[33] Greed is Good? – The Business of Aesop™ No. 9 – The Boy and the Filberts [#GRZ_33] “Vitia in systematibus politicis et oeconomicis sunt mere amplificationes vitiorum in homine.” (“The flaws in political and economic systems are merely exaggerations of the flaws in human beings.”) {Business of Aesop™}
[34 Omitted]
[35] Considering the Source – The Business of Aesop™ No. 68 – The Lion and the Statue [#GRZ_35] {Business of Aesop™}
[36] The Insecure Human Being – The Business of Aesop™ No. 51 – A Fox Without a Tail [#GRZ_36] “Aliquid ubiquitous tendit praetermittendum.” (“What is ubiquitous tends to be overlooked.”); “Mater Natura et Pater Tempus neque veniam neque veniam petunt, neque spem habent aut paenitentem.” (“Mother Nature and Father Time neither ask permission or forgiveness, nor do they have hopes or regrets.”) {Business of Aesop™}
[37] Einstein, Jesus, and the Shared Kiss – The Business of Aesop™ No. 97 – The Fox and the Cat [#GRZ_37] {Business of Aesop™}
[38] The Entrepreneurial Cardinal Virtues™ [#GRZ_38]
[39] I Never Promised to Love My Wife, or All About Oaths [#GRZ_39]
[40] “Sugar, Darling, You Look Marvelous.” The Business of Aesop™ No. 54 – The Fox and the Crow. [#GRZ_40] “Verum catino optime servivit frigus.” (“Truth is a dish best served cold.”) {Business of Aesop™}
[41] Storm Alert! Cloud Computing Risk Assessment – A Legal Perspective Update [#GRZ_41] {Industry}
[42] He Who Feeds Us Enslaves Us – The Business of Aesop™ No. 64 – The Dog and the Wolf [#GRZ_42] “Qui nos pascit, nos servum suum facit.” (“He who feeds us makes us his slave.”) {Business of Aesop™}
[43] The VDU Voodoo Response™, or How to Respond to Someone Picking a Fight [#GRZ_43] {Industry}
[44] Nothing to Hate, But Hate Itself – Or, Hate Best Practices [#GRZ_44] “Stellam attingere non necesse est ut ab eo ducamur.” (“We do not need to touch the star to be guided by it.”);
[45] The Fable of Voting for a Three-Legged Horse – Stand for America® [#GRZ_45] {Fables and Stories} {Donald Trump}
[46] John Stuart Mill – Leadership is Thinking Independently [#GRZ_46] {Abridgement}
[47] John Stuart Mill – Leadership and Being Unique from the Crowd [#GRZ_47] {Abridgement}
[48] Patriotism and Election Concession – Stand for America® [#GRZ_48]
[49] ONE® The Unified Gospel Blog [#GRZ_49] {ONE®}
[50] The Duty of Trust – Stand for America® [#GRZ_50] {Social Justice}
[51] “Do I Look Like a Christian?” Or, The Gift of “Happy Holidays” – Stand for America® [#GRZ_51] {Social Justice}
[52] The Sun Rule™ – Leadership, Character and How to Treat Others [#GRZ_52] {Social Justice}
[53] Trusting the People, Trusting the Deal – The Business of Aesop™ No. 13 – The Wolf and the Crane [#GRZ_53] {Business of Aesop™}
[54] Same for You, Same for Me – The Business of Aesop™ No. 48 – The Two Pots [#GRZ_54] {Business of Aesop™}
[55] Do As I Say, Not As I Do – The Business of Aesop™ No. 103 – The Mother Crab [#GRZ_55] {Business of Aesop™}
[56] The Substance of Things – The Business of Aesop™ No. 33 – The Stag and His Reflection [#GRZ_56] “Ad myopic nulla profunditas perceptionis.” (“To the near-sighted, there is no depth of perception.”); “Narrat expressio.” (“Telling tells.”) {Business of Aesop™}
[57] In or Out? Or, I Never Wanted To Be Like My Dog. [#GRZ_57]
[58] The Social Vice Triumvirate™: Jealousy, Envy and Pride [#GRZ_58] “Invidia intempesta cupiditas subtili odio.” (“Envy is untempered desire with subtle hate.”) {Social Justice}
[59] ONE®: The Unified Gospel of Jesus, Divine Version [Second Edition] Published [#GRZ_59] {ONE®}
[60] Sorry, Socrates. Or, The “Apology” of Socrates [#GRZ_60] {Abridgement}
[61] Freedom of Religion, by Thomas Jefferson (Notes on the State of Virginia) – Abridgment Series [#GRZ_61] {Abridgement}
[62] Shakespeare, English Language, and Other Such Items [#GRZ_62] {Fables and Stories}
[63] Emojiality. Or, the Personality and Congeniality of Using Emojis [#GRZ_63] {Fables and Stories}
[64] Mind Control, Protests and the Goal – Stand for America® [#GRZ_64] {Social Justice}
[65] Entrepreneurial Hope, and Lust for Smart Love [#GRZ_65] “Malum consilium fortuna est.” (“Luck is bad strategy.”) {Industry}
[66 Omitted]
[67] Salt, Wounds, and the Most Unkindest Cuts of All [#GRZ_67] “Quod nos laedit et corrodit infirmitates nostras detegit.” (“That which injures and corrodes us reveals our weaknesses.”); “Multum vulnus, multum motus.” (“Much wound, much reaction.”); “Quo infirmior corpus est, hoc magis iniuriae.” (“The weaker the body, the more injuries.”); “Facile vulneratur, nimis tenerum corpus est.” (“Too easily wounded, too tender a body.”); “Nimium urere, nimium vulnera multa.” (“Too many burns, too many wounds.”); “Narrat expressio.” (“Telling tells.”); “Iniuriae nostrae produnt.” (“Our injuries betray us.”); “Contumeliae nostrae produnt.” (“Our insults betray us.”) {Social Justice}
[68] The Toll on Character [#GRZ_68] {Social Justice}
[69] The Flesh is Weak, Or Why Jesus Got It Wrong [#GRZ_69] “Animus infirmus, caro fortis.” (“The mind is weak, the flesh is strong.”); “Sapientia est te ipsum nosse, disciplina autem est te ipsum vincere.” (“Wisdom is to know thyself, but discipline is to conquer thyself.”) {Social Justice}
[70] No Tolerance for Hate, or All Tolerance for Hate? [#GRZ_70] {Social Justice}
[71] Oliver Wendell Holmes and His Imbeciles – Stand for America® [#GRZ_71] {Social Justice}
[72] SQL Nulls, Socrates, and Black Holes. Or, the Great Lawn Chair Debate [#GRZ_72] “Quod minus non potest comprehendere majus.” (“The lesser cannot comprehend the greater.”) {Fables and Stories}
[73] Surviving Prejudice, Not All Bad [#GRZ_73] {Social Justice}
[74] Whom the Gods Would Destroy, They First Tease with Political Incorrectness [#GRZ_74] “Quod nos laedit et corrodit infirmitates nostras detegit.” (“That which injures and corrodes us reveals our weaknesses.”); “Multum vulnus, multum motus.” (“Much wound, much reaction.”); “Quo infirmior corpus est, hoc magis iniuriae.” (“The weaker the body, the more injuries.”); “Facile vulneratur, nimis tenerum corpus est.” (“Too easily wounded, too tender a body.”); “Nimium urere, nimium vulnera multa.” (“Too many burns, too many wounds.”); “Narrat expressio.” (“Telling tells.”); “Iniuriae nostrae produnt.” (“Our injuries betray us.”); “Contumeliae nostrae produnt.” (“Our insults betray us.”) {Social Justice}
[75] John Adams, Thoughts on Government – Abridgment Series [#GRZ_75] {Abridgement}
[76] Failing to Die Is Killing Us, or Logan’s Run Revisited – Stand for America® [#GRZ_76] “Ubi amor est, officium fit eros libero.” (“Where love exists, duty gets a free ride.”);“Pretium vitae est aliquis mercedes.” (“The wages of life are someone’s wages.”)
[77] The Friendly Russian – Stand for America® [#GRZ_77] “Coniungere est dividere.” (“To unite is to divide.”) {Prediction} {Donald Trump}
[78] All Men Are Not Created Equal, or Why Thomas Jefferson Got it Wrong – Stand for America® [#GRZ_78] “Mater Natura et Pater Tempus neque veniam neque veniam petunt, neque spem habent aut paenitentem.” (“Mother Nature and Father Time neither ask permission or forgiveness, nor do they have hopes or regrets.”)
[79] The Anti-Robin Hoodwink. Or, Tax the Dead Guy Tax Theory. – Stand for America® [#GRZ_79] “Léo competit esum carnium, donec alii leones esuriant.” (“The lion is entitled to his meat, until he starves the pride.”)
[80] The Warrior Mindset – Stand for America® [#GRZ_80] “Lorum lorum dominum non protegit si canis circum volvitur.” (“The leash does not protect the master, if the dog should turn around.”) {Donald Trump}
[81] The Distinguished Napoleon – The Business of Aesop™ No. 2 – The Frog and the Ox [#GRZ_81] {Business of Aesop™}
[82] Branding America – In God We Trust. Or, Adams, Franklin, Jefferson and Washington Debate the American Slogan – Stand for America® [#GRZ_82] “Deus bonus est, et si Deus est in aliquo impotens, non potest Deus hominem malum vertere.” (“God is good, and if God is powerless in anything, God is powerless to turn a man bad.”) {Fables and Stories}
[83] Me, Too; Not, You. Or, the Exceptional Principle. – Stand for America® [#GRZ_83]
[84] The Google Privacy Case – 10 Year Anniversary – Business of Aesop™ No. 101 – The Porcupine and the Cave [#GRZ_84] {Business of Aesop™} {Prediction}
[85] Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography – The 13 Virtues – Abridgment Series [#GRZ_85] {Abridgement}
[86] Reference – Epilogue: On the Wisdom of Aesop – Abridgment Series [#GRZ_86] {Aesop’s Fables}
[87] The Relentless Pursuit of Victory – Stand for America® [#GRZ_87] {NFL Sports}
[88] The Morality Time Travel. Or, The Foolish and Incessant Misery of Timeless Insults – Stand for America® [#GRZ_88] “Non parvae fluctus magnis navibus petram.” (“Small waves do not rock great ships.”)
[89] A More Perfect Middle Class. Or, Diamonds are Forever – Stand for America® [#GRZ_89]
[90] Death, Sex and Selling: Or, the Science of the Beer Girl [#GRZ_90] {Industry}
[91] Pro-Life or Pro-Choice? Chapter 1, Bias [#GRZ_91] {To Be or Not to Be}
[92] Pro-Life or Pro-Choice? Chapter 2, Cause and Effect [#GRZ_92] “Mulier praegnans est religio sua.” (“A pregnant woman is her own religion.”); “Nemo haereticus suo dogmate.” (“No man is a heretic to his own dogma.”) {To Be or Not to Be}
[93 Omitted]
[94] Disney’s New Lion King – Cowardly or Brave? [Spoiler Alert-Maybe] – Stand for America® [#GRZ_94] “Nulla ars in seipsa perficitur.” (“No art is perfected unto itself.”); “Ars domini non est accidens.” (“The art of a master is not an accident.”); “Ars non est passive accipienda, sed magis ars est active contemplanda.” (“Art is not to be passively received, but rather, art is to be actively contemplated.”)
[95] George Washington’s 75 Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior – Abridgment Series [#GRZ_95] {Abridgement}
[96] The USPTO Proof of Use Trademark Audit – There’s a New Sheriff in Town. [#GRZ_96] {Legal}
[97] Religion, War and “The Vehicle of the Light Analogy” [#GRZ_97] {Fables and Stories}
{All 98_ articles are part of the Aesop’s Fables Set}
[98_1] Persuasion v. Force – No. 1. The North Wind and the Sun – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_1] “Disciplina custos est integritatis.” (“Discipline is the keeper of integrity.”); “Primum sapientiam, deinde disciplinam.” (“Wisdom first, then discipline.”); “Viribus optime ostensum est in sua continentia.” (“Power is best shown in its own restraint.”); “Prima lex potentiae est quomodo impedita.” (“The first law of power is how it is to be controlled.”); “Sapientia ars eligit, sed disciplina rectam tenet.” (“Wisdom chooses the tactic, but Discipline holds the line.”)
[98_2] Self-Validation and Envy – No. 2. The Frog and the Ox – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_2] “Sui ipsius destructio nobilior tantum obiectio est martyri vel martyrii forma, utpote Heros.” (“Self-destruction is only a noble objective for a martyr, or a form of martyrdom, being the Hero.”); “Spes tatam nos.” (“Hope will mess us up.”); “Tu scis quod incipias cognoscere lectionem, cum id scire times.” (“You know that you are starting to understand the lesson, when you are afraid to know it.”); “Sapientia et delusio non sedent in eodem spatio.” (“Wisdom and delusion do not sit in the same space.”); “Spes talis est exceptio, non regula.” (“Hope is such as the exception not the rule.); “Spes exceptio, non regula.” (“Hope is the exception not the rule.); “Spes somniantis.” (“Hope is a dreamer.”); “Spes est plus-aestimavit.” (“Hope is over-rated.”); “Spes est ancillae sapientiae.” (“Hope is wisdom’s hand-maiden.”)
[98_3] Planning Ahead, Vision and Industry – No. 3. The Ant and the Grasshopper – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_3] “Malum consilium fortuna est.” (“Luck is bad strategy.”)
[98_5] Compromise and Pride – No. 5. The Two Goats – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_5]“Amittere proelium vincere bellum.” (“Lose a battle, win a war.”)
[98_9] Satisfaction, Appreciation and Greed – No. 9. The Boy and the Filberts – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_9] “Amittere proelium vincere bellum.” (“Lose a battle, win a war.”)
[98_11] The Despise of Failure – No. 11. The Fox and the Grapes – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_11] “Narrat expressio.” (“Telling tells.”)
[98_15] Burning Bridges – No. 15. The Lion and the Mouse – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_15] “Misericordia pertinet potentia.” (“Mercy implicates power.”); “Potentia misericordiam non patitur nisi per electionem.” (“Power suffers mercy only by choice.”); “Nulla electio, nulla misericordia.” (“No choice, no mercy.”); “Purus amor est exceptio, non regula.”) (“Pure love is the exception, not the rule.”); “Misericordia in futurum collocat.” (“Mercy invests in the future.”); “Misericordia, ut sapientia, collocat in futurum.” (“Mercy, like Wisdom, invests into the future.”)
[LinkedIn Upgrade to Posting Mechanism Occurs Here]
[98_21] Mutual Loyalty. No. 21. The Two Travelers and the Purse – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_21] “Moralitas non est in statu naturae.” (“Morality does not exist in the state of nature.”); “Fidelitatis est disciplina ac dolor.” (“Loyalty is discipline and suffering.”); “Sapientia et bonitas non sunt idem.” (“Wisdom and goodness are not the same thing.”); “Ubi amor est, officium fit eros libero.” (“Where love exists, duty gets a free ride.”);“Fideles sperare possunt fideles, sed proditio debet proditionem exspectare.” (“Loyalty might expect loyalty, but betrayal must expect betrayal.”)
[98_22] Consider the Source. No. 22. The Lion and the Ass – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_22] “Quod nos laedit et corrodit infirmitates nostras detegit.” (“That which injures and corrodes us reveals our weaknesses.”); “Iniuriae nostrae produnt.” (“Our injuries betray us.”); “Contumeliae nostrae produnt.” (“Our insults betray us.”); “Non parvae fluctus magnis navibus petram.” (“Small waves do not rock great ships.”)
[98_25] Vanity and Self-Delusion. No. 25. The Ass and the Sacred Image – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_25] “Loqui est revelare.” (“To speak is to reveal.”); “Nullius frugis primae substantiae substantia intentos facit vacuum.” (“Lack of substance creates a vacuum that draws first upon that which lacks substance.”); “Primum propositum, deinde loqui.” (“Purpose first, then words.”); “Dignitas per se impletur et se convalescit.” (“Dignity is self-fulfilled and self-validated.”); “Ludus est simulare.” (“Game is feign.”); “Propositum dat rationem, et vanitas non est excusatio.” (“Purpose gives reason, and vanity is no excuse.”)
[98_28] Value Is As Value Does. No. 28. The Cock and the Jewel – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_28] “Nulla ars in se ipsa perfecta est.” (“No art is perfect unto itself.”) “Ars non servit sibi.” (“Art does not serve itself.”)
[98_31] “Kill the Boy, Jon Snow.” Friends of All, Enemies of All. No. 31. The Bats, Birds and Beasts – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_31] “Nulla id est in officio, sed tu.” (“There is no I in duty, only you.”); “Iter hominis per totum tempus: Parum gubernaculum, nimium ventum.” (“The journey of man throughout time: Too little rudder, too much wind.”); “Dux verus solus esse discit.” (“A true leader learns to be alone.”)
[98_32] Justification. “Facts Don’t Matter.” No. 32. The Wolf and the Lamb – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_32] “Inclinato cibus sapientis.” (“Tendency is the food of the sage.”); “Quod debet esse et quod tendit non idem est.” (“What should be and what tends to be are not the same thing.”); “Spes tatam nos.” (“Hope will mess us up.”); “Tu scis quod incipias cognoscere lectionem, cum id scire times.” (“You know that you are starting to understand the lesson, when you are afraid to know it.”); “Infirmi sapientiam et prudentiam egent.” (“The vulnerable need wisdom and wit.”); “Iesus docet quid debere sit, aesopus docet de posse fieri.” (“Jesus teaches about shoulds, Aesop teaches about coulds.”)
[98_34] Hypocrisy. Practice What We Preach. No. 34. The Wolf and the Lion – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_34] “Primum sapientiam, deinde disciplinam.” (“Wisdom first, then discipline.”)
[98_36] Trust, by Tendency and Prediction. No. 36. The Wolf and the Sheep – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_36] “Sapientia perfectam esse non habet, sed astutam esse habet.” (“Wisdom does not have to be perfect, but it does have to be astute.”); “Quod debet esse et quod tendit non idem est.” (“What should be and what tends to be are not the same thing.”); “Spes tatam nos.” (“Hope will mess us up.”); “Tu scis quod incipias cognoscere lectionem, cum id scire times.” (“You know that you are starting to understand the lesson, when you are afraid to know it.”); “Iesus docet quid debere sit, aesopus docet de posse fieri.” (“Jesus teaches about shoulds, Aesop teaches about coulds.”); “Prudentia et bonitas moralis non est idem.” (“Prudence and moral goodness are not the same thing.”); “Sapientia et caritas non sunt idem.” (“Wisdom and charity are not the same thing.”); “Facile est, bet cum pecunia de aliis.” (“It is easy to bet with other people’s money.”); “Spes mala consiliarius.” (“Hope is a bad advisor”); “Spes est malum ars imperatoria.” (“Hope is bad strategy.”)
[98_38] Competition, Pyrrhic Victories, and Cannibalizing Enemies – No. 38. The Lion, Bear and Fox The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_38] “Magni competitores ex erroribus ab inimicis succedunt, sed quidem magnificus competitor adiuvabit causam eius.” (“A great competitor will prosper from our failure, but, indeed, a magnificent competitor will help to cause it.”)
[98_41] Self-Interested Advice – No. 41. The Rabbit, Weasel, and Cat – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_41] “Lorum lorum dominum non protegit si canis circum volvitur.” (“The leash does not protect the master, if the dog should turn around.”); “Praeiudicio sine virtute est incorporeus. Virtus sine praeiudicio rara est.” (“Bias without power is immaterial. Power without bias is rare.”)
[98_42] Being Naive – No. 42. The Wolf and the Goat – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series “Discrimen inter iens ad crepidinem et transitum super crepidinem, est parvus gradus.” (“The difference between going to the edge and going over the edge, is one small step.”)
[98_46] The Patience of Latent Evil – No. 46. The Wolf and the Shepherd – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_46] “Oculus sapientiae semper vigilans debet esse, sicut stulti in ictu fiunt.” (“The eye of wisdom must be ever-vigilant, as fools are made in a blink.”)
[98_53] Absolute Power Resolves to Self-Interest – No. 53. The Lion’s Share – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_53] “Tu scis quod incipias cognoscere lectionem, cum id scire times.” (“You know that you are starting to understand the lesson, when you are afraid to know it.”); “Spes esca rapax.” (“Hope is a predator’s bait.”)
[98_54] Flattery – No. 54. The Fox and the Crow – The Essential Aesop™- Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#98_54] “Verum catino optime servivit frigus.” (“Truth is a dish best served cold.”)
[98_55] The Patience of Comeuppance – No. 55. The Dying Lion – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_55] “Cum populum viceris, feminas non rape.” (“When you conquer a people, do not rape the women.”)
[98_57] Think Ahead. The Thing From The Seed. – No. 57. The Swallow and Other Birds – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_57] “Malum consilium fortuna est.” (“Luck is bad strategy.”); “Spes est ultimum refugium victimae.” (“Hope is the last refuge of the victim.”); “Mater Natura et Pater Tempus neque veniam neque veniam petunt, neque spem habent aut paenitentem.” (“Mother Nature and Father Time neither ask permission or forgiveness, nor do they have hopes or regrets.”)
[98_58] Be Careful What You Wish For. – No. 58. The Frogs Desiring a King – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_58] “Vitiosum est hominis optimum sui poena.” (“Vicious persons are their own best punishment.”)
[98_60] Wisdom v. Compassion, Or, the Elizabeth Smart Prediction – No. 60. The Woodsman and Serpent – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_60] “Actus stultos fortuna egent, et fortunam consilii mali esse scimus.” (“Foolish acts need luck, and luck is a bad strategy.”)
[98_61] Self-Inflicted Misery – No. 61. The Bald Man and the Fly – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_61] “Miser homo optima poena sua est.” (“A miserable man is his own best punishment.”)
[98_62] The Acidic Venom of Scorn – No. 62. The Serpent and the File – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_62] “Odium est hominis optimum propria poena.” (“Hate is a man’s own best punishment.”)
[98_64] Dependency. Or, He Who Feeds Us Enslaves Us – No. 64. The Dog and the Wolf – The Essential Aesop™- Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_64] “Qui nos pascit, nos servum suum facit.” (“He who feeds us makes us his slave.”)
[98_69] Selfish Envy – No. 69. The Dog in the Manger – The Essential Aesop™- Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_69] “Vitium est propria poena hominis optima.” (“Vice is a man’s own best punishment.”); “Virtus est proprium hominis optimum praemium.” (“Virtue is a man’s own best reward.”)
[98_72] Is It Worth It? – No. 72. The Tortoise and the Birds – The Essential Aesop™- Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_72] “Lorum lorum dominum non protegit si canis circum volvitur.” (“The leash does not protect the master, if the dog should turn around.”)
[98_77] Self-Power. Prayer, Hope and Luck. Or, Just Do It. – No. 77. Hercules and the Waggoner – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_77] “Ut auto-actum est debitum ad Deum et hominem.” (“To self-actualize is a debt to god and man.”)
[98_81] Vigilance for the Exception – No. 81. The One-Eyed Doe – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_81] “Ille qui amisit oculum convertat ad discendum est caput eius.” (“He who has lost an eye must learn to turn his head.”)
[98_83] Speak of the Devil. Or, Be Careful What You Wish For. – No. 83. The Old Laborer and Death – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_83] “Nullius frugis primae substantiae substantia intentos facit vacuum.” (“Lack of substance creates a vacuum that draws first upon that which lacks substance.”); “Oculus sapientiae semper vigilans debet esse, sicut stulti in ictu fiunt.” (“The eye of wisdom must be ever-vigilant, as fools are made in a blink.”)
[98_85] The Folly of Love – No. 85. The Lion in Love – The Essential Aesop™-Back to Basics [#GRZ_98_85] “Actus stultos fortuna egent, et fortunam consilii mali esse scimus.” (“Foolish acts need luck, and we know that luck is a bad strategy.”)
[98_86] Trust, but Verify; or, Vigilance for the Trap – No. 86. The Lion, Fox and Beasts – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_86] “Sapientia interdum prosperitatis ars est, sapientia vero superstitum ars esse solet.” (“Wisdom is sometimes the art of prosperity, but wisdom is oft the art of survival.”); “Quisque habet malus diem.” (“Everyone has a bad day.”)
[98_88] Blame 101. Or, Attitude, and Sticks and Stones. – No. 88. The Eagle and the Arrow – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_88] “Mutare alios nobilis est, seipsum autem mutare sapiens est.” (“To change others is noble, but to change self is wise.”)
[98_89] Betting on the Come; Or, the “IF” Clause – No. 89. The Milkmaid and Her Pail – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_89]“Si est maximum parvum verbum in hoc mundo.” (“‘If’ is the biggest little word in the world.”)
[98_90] Our Core Nature Persists – No. 90. The Cat Maiden – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_90] “Sapientia perfectam esse non habet, sed astutam esse habet.” (“Wisdom does not have to be perfect, but it does have to be astute.”); “Quod debet esse et quod tendit non idem est.” (“What should be and what tends to be are not the same thing.”); “Spes tatam nos.” (“Hope will mess us up.”); “Tu scis quod incipias cognoscere lectionem, cum id scire times.” (“You know that you are starting to understand the lesson, when you are afraid to know it.”); “Iesus docet quid debere sit, aesopus docet de posse fieri.” (“Jesus teaches about shoulds, Aesop teaches about coulds.”); “Prudentia et bonitas moralis non est idem.” (“Prudence and moral goodness are not the same thing.”); “Sapientia et caritas non sunt idem.” (“Wisdom and charity are not the same thing.”); “Facile est, bet cum pecunia de aliis.” (“It is easy to bet with other people’s money.”); “Spes mala consiliarius.” (“Hope is a bad advisor”); “Spes est malum ars imperatoria.” (“Hope is bad strategy.”)
[98_95] Projection, Fault Displacement and Easy Excuses – No. 95. The Traveler and His Dog – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_95] “Simplicitas in arte eius est, non in scientia eius.” (“Simplicity is in the art of it, not in the science of it.”)
[98_97] Paralysis by Analysis; or, KISS… – No. 97. The Fox and the Cat – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_97] “Praeiudicio sine virtute est incorporeus. Virtus sine praeiudicio rara est.” (“Bias without power is immaterial. Power without bias is rare.”)
[98_98] The Price for Deception; Or, What Goes Around. – No. 98. The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_98] “Fortuna est malum consilium ad vitam.“ (“Luck is bad life strategy.”)
[98_99] Assistance without Judgment – No. 99. The Bathing Boy – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_99] “Dum scolaris studiis liber, frater eius manet in fossa.“ (“While the scholar studies the book, his brother remains in the ditch.“)
[98_104] Goal-Setting: Know Our Limits – No. 104. The Eagle and the Jackdaw – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_104] “Non comparare nisi comparet ad propria potentia.” (“Compare not, unless against the measure of your own potential.”)
[98_105] Stubbornness – No. 105. The Ass and His Driver – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_105] “Discrimen inter iens ad crepidinem et transitum super crepidinem, est parvus gradus.” (“The difference between going to the edge and going over the edge, is one small step.”)
[98_106] Keep It Real; Or, Delusion of Self – No. 106. The Wolf and His Shadow – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_106] “Delusio propria est prima antithetis sapientiae.” (“Self-delusion is the first antithesis of Wisdom.”); “Abundant phantasiae, sed res semper habet viam ut scias ibi”. (“Fantasies abound, but reality always has a way to let you know it’s around.”)
[98_107] Respect, Mercy; Or Sensitive Thoughtfulness- No. 107. The Boy and the Frogs – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_107] “Lex non est cogere optimum, sed pessimum prohibere.” (“The law is not to compel the best, but to prevent the worst.”); “Iniustus seipsum primo punit, et postea alios.” (“A unjust man punishes himself first, and then everyone else.”); “Ubi amor est, officium fit eros libero.” (“Where love exists, duty gets a free ride.”); “Viribus optime ostensum est in sua continentia.” (“Power is best shown in its own restraint.”); “Prima lex potentiae est quomodo impedita.” (“The first law of power is how it is to be controlled.”)
[98_109] Unwavering Commitment – No. 109. The Boy and the Nettle – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_109] “Ubi amor est, officium fit eros libero.” (“Where love exists, duty gets a free ride.”)
[98_112] The Delusion of Self-Importance – No. 112. The Fly on the Axle – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_112] “Qui ambulat superius, corruet; et qui ambulat inferior, adminiculum omnium erit.” (“He who walks higher shall fall, and he who walks lower shall be the support of all.”); “Stultitia perficitur in suo esse.” (“Foolishness is perfected in its own existence.”)
[98_113] Trusting Intention and Trusting Capability [Final Episode] – No. 113. The Man and the Old Dog – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#98_113] “Amor sacrificare est ultima mensura sapientiae.” (“Sacrificing love is the last full measure of wisdom.”); “Prudentia bonum iudicat. Bonus non iudicat quid sit sapiens.” (“Wisdom judges what is good. Good does not judge what is wise.”); “Prudentia et bonitas moralis non est idem.” (“Prudence and moral goodness are not the same thing.”); “Sapientia et caritas non sunt idem.” (“Wisdom and charity are not the same thing.”); “Bonitas servit ad voluptatem sapientiae.” (“Goodness serves at the pleasure of wisdom.”); “Credo matrem meam mihi Terram ambulare, sed id facere posse non confido.” (“I trust my mother would walk the Earth for me, but I do not trust that she actually could do it.”); “Confido quod volebat, non confido quod poterat.” (“Trust that would, not trust that could.”, “I trust that he willed, not that he was able.”)
[98_114] The Essential Aesop – Epilogue Reference – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_114]
[98_115] The Essential Aesop – Introduction – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_115]
– End Aesop’s Fables Set
[99] The Power of the Spirit of Every Teacher and Coach [#GRZ_99] “Flores non semper florebunt in una die, et apis saepe pollinate de visu.” (“Flowers don’t always blossom in a day, and the bee will oft pollinate out of view.”) {Fables and Stories}
[100] The Importance of Aesop to Socrates [#GRZ_100] “Simplicitas in arte eius est, non in scientia eius.” (“Simplicity is in his art, not in his knowledge.”) {Aesop’s Fables}
[101 Omitted]
[102] Now is the Exactly the Time for a Serious Estate Tax Conversation [#GRZ_102] “Léo competit esum carnium, donec alii leones esuriant.” (“The lion is entitled to his meat, until he starves the pride.”) {Legal}
[103] Who is a Hero? [#GRZ_103] “Non est heros in casu.” (“There is no hero in the accident.”); “Non est virtus in casu.” (“There is no virtue in chance.”); “Heros debet facere arbitrium.” (“The hero must make a choice.”); “Et victimam non est heros.” (“The victim is not a hero.”); “Arbitrium facit heroas. Mors non facit heroas.” (“Decisions make heroes, not death.”) {Social Justice}
[104] The Redskins® [#GRZ_104] {Legal} {Prediction} {NFL Sports}
[105] “Who Trained Them?” Stand for America® [#GRZ_105]
[106] On Empathy: To Give Empathy Is a Blessing; To Need Empathy Is a Curse [#GRZ_106]
[107 Omitted]
[108] Donald Trump; Or, The Mean Insult v. The Tactical Insult [#GRZ_108] {Industry} {Donald Trump}
[109] The Lost Donald Trump Executive Meeting Transcript Now Revealed! [#GRZ_109] {Fables and Stories} {Donald Trump}
[110] Donald Trump, the Presidential Mountain, and When the Game is Really Over [#GRZ_110] {Industry} {Donald Trump}
[111] Are You Ready? [#GRZ_111] {Industry}
[112] “Please, Sir. I Want Some More.” Or, a Respectful Motion Regarding the Constitutionality of the US District Court WD.Pa ADR Program [#GRZ_112]
[114] Having Drunk from the Well; Love, Mercy and Forgiveness [#GRZ_114] “Homo est dominus legis, lex non est domini hominis.” (“Man is master of law, the law is not master of man.”); “Lex homini servit, homo legi non servit.” (“The law serves man, man does not serve the law.”); “Sapientia non patitur hypocrisin legis.” (“Wisdom does not suffer the law’s hypocrisy.”)
[115] Cher Ami – A Story of Hope and Inspiration [#GRZ_115]
[116 – 121 Omitted]
[122] The Four Horsemen of the Social Justice Apocalypse [#GRZ_122] {Industry}
[123] The Challenge of Vaccines, or Predictive Delusion [#GRZ_123] {Industry} {Prediction}
[124] Pro-Choice or Pro-Life? Chapter 3, The (Insecure) Reflective Contemplative Dwelling Mind [#GRZ_124] {To Be or Not to Be}
[125] My Experiment with Atheism; Or, Wilson Revisited [#GRZ_125] {Fables and Stories}
[126] Good v. Evil; Or, Thoughtlessness by Simplistic Vilification [#GRZ_126] “Si est maximum parvum verbum in hoc mundo.” (“‘If’ is the biggest little word in the world.”)
[127] The Fable of a Slave’s Bad Day [#GRZ_127] {Fables and Stories}
[128] Leadership, and Dealing in Hope; Or, What is Hope? [#GRZ_128] “Ductus est filius physicae et frater venalicium.” (“Leadership is the child [son] of physics and the sibling [brother] of marketing.”) {Industry}
[129] Death, and Final Disposition of the Once Primary Asset [#GRZ_129] “Satis spatii tuli in vita mea, nolo post mortem spatium tollere.””Satis spatii tuli in vita mea, nolo post mortem spatium tollere.” (“I took up enough space during my life, I don’t want to take up any space after my death.”); “Sapere videtur sponte dare, quod alioqui vi capiatur.” (“It seems wise voluntarily to give, what will otherwise be taken by force.”) {Legal}
[131] The Proseuché (The Prayer of Socrates) Ch. VIII [Prayer] [#GRZ_131] {Proseuché}
[131_1] THE JUDICIAL OATH: I DO SOLEMNLY SWEAR AND AFFIRM…; Or, How Wrong Can It Get? [GRZ_131_1] {Legal}
[131_2] Athlete’s Game Directive; Or, “Thank you, but don’t stop for me. Be strong, play on, and move forever forward.” [#GRZ_131_2] {Industry} {NFL Sports}
[132] The Naked Brain; Or, Deconstructing and Reconstructing the Human Being [#GRZ_132] {Fables and Stories}
[133] TikTok v. QuickBooks? Preparing for Data War. “Good? Bad? I’m the guy with the gun.” [#GRZ_133] “Stultus sapiens non est, sed bonus saepe stultus est.” (“There is never a wise fool, but there is often a good fool.”); “Sapientia est praedictio.” (“Wisdom is prediction.”) {Prediction}
[134] They Entered the Building, but Only One Went In; Or, Don’t Call Me a “Human Being” [#GRZ_134] {Industry}
[135] In Memoriam: Benjamin Franklin Speaking of the Builders of Babel – Abridgement Series [#GRZ_135] {Abridgement}
[137] Hope, Prayer, Trust and Reliance Upon Luck; Or, the Ignoble Handouts Oft by Noble Emotions [#GRZ_137] “Spes est ultimum refugium victimae.” (“Hope is the last refuge of the victim.”); “Amor et odium sunt imagines speculi, licet per prospectus oppositi.” (“Love and hate are mirror images, albeit by opposite perspectives.” [To love one is to hate the other.])
[138] CHINERICA. Stand for America.® [#GRZ_138] {Fables and Stories{ {Prediction}
[139-140 Omitted]
[141] Technology Always Wins”; Or, Be Reconciled To It: AI Is Here to Stay [#GRZ_141] {Industry}
[142] The Recipe to Make Bud Wiser [Branding, Part I] [#GRZ_142] “Intelligentia et sapientia non sunt idem.” (“Intelligence and wisdom are not the same thing.”); “Sapiens nunquam stulto, sed multis stultorum multum intelligentia.” (“A wise man is never a fool, but many fools have much intelligence.”) {Industry}
[143] Marlboro Man; You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby. [Branding, Part II] [#GRZ_143] “Instrumentum ad materiam inserere debet.” (“The tool must fit the material.”); “Forma martyrii bella philosophica.” (“Philosophical wars are a form of martyrdom.”); “Non sumus quod mercari possumus.” (“We are not what we can buy.”); “Non sumus quicquam quod emere possumus.” (“We are not anything that we can buy.”); “Facilius est rem pretiosam stulto vendere, qui pecuniam non habet, quam aliquid vile est vendere sapiento qui multam pecuniam habet.” (“It is easier to sell something expensive to a fool who has no money, than it is to sell something inexpensive to a sage who has a lot of money.”); “Tu scis quod incipias cognoscere lectionem, cum id scire times.” (“You know that you are starting to understand the lesson, when you are afraid to know it.”); “Spes confusionem creat.” (“Hope creates confusion.”); “Carnibus utere furca; pro pulmenti, cochleari utere.” (“For meat, a fork; for soup a spoon.”) {Industry}
[144] The Essential Aesop LinkedIn Article Index [#GRZ_144] {Aesop’s Fables}
[145] The Reason Why Political and Economic Systems Fail; The Executive Summary [#GRZ_145] “Vitia in systematibus politicis et oeconomicis sunt mere amplificationes vitiorum in homine.” (“The flaws in political and economic systems are merely exaggerations of the flaws in human beings.”); “Etiam duo vegetarianus ultimo folium contendent.” (“Even two vegetarians will compete for the last leaf.”) {Industry}
[146] Why the Walt Disney Company is the Most Dangerous Company in the World [#GRZ_146] “Bonum vel malum est in oculis aspicientis.” (“Good or bad is in the eye of the beholder.”); “Periculum non est quia odi, sed quia amo.” (“The danger is not because I hate it, but rather because I love it.”) {Industry}
[147] The Academy Awards and Bud Light Parallels, Gone Sideways with the Wind? [#GRZ_147] {Industry}
[148] Critical Thinking and the Conflation of Character, Integrity, Goodness and Virtue [#GRZ_148]
[150] Shut Up and Die Like an Aviator. Or, Quit Crying Like a Baby and Do Your Job [#GRZ_150]
[152] Brisk Critical-Thought Exercise in the Circumcision of Circumcision [#GRZ_152] {Fables and Stories}
[153] The Proseuché (The Prayer of Socrates) Ch. VII Abridgment [Reasons] [#GRZ_153] {Proseuché}
[155] On Wisdom and Luck; Or, Getting Lucky is not the Same as Being Wise [#GRZ_155] {NFL Sports}
[154] The Proseuché (The Prayer of Socrates) Ch. V Abridgment [Chosen] [#GRZ_154] {Proseuché}
[156] The Proseuché (The Prayer of Socrates) Ch. X-Finale [#GRZ_156] {Proseuché}
[157] The Proseuché (The Prayer of Socrates) Ch. IX [Hope] [#GRZ_157] {Proseuché}
[158] The Proseuché (The Prayer of Socrates) Ch. I [Intro] [#GRZ_158] {Proseuché
[159] The Proseuché (The Prayer of Socrates) Ch. IV [Voice] [#GRZ_159] {Proseuché}
[160] On Leadership and Trust. [And, Should We Trust the U.S. Government?] [#GRZ_160]
[161] The Demise of Wisdom by Emotional Intelligence…But Arise Hope, with Intelligent Emotions [#GRZ_161] {Fables and Stories}
[162] The Priest-Patton Scale; Or, Objective-Based Leadership [#GRZ_162] {Industry} {Donald Trump}
[163] ONE®, On Comparative Religions [#GRZ_163] {ONE®}
[164] News, the Source of Influence, and Resultant Decisions [#GRZ_164]
[165] I Am Not Brainwashed, And Neither Are You. Maybe. But I Might be Wrong. [#GRZ_165]
[166] Mickey and Minnie; Or Distinguishing Trademarks ®™ and Copyrights © [Part 1] [#GRZ_166] {Legal}
[167] Mickey and Minnie; Or Distinguishing Trademarks ®™ and Copyrights © [Part II] [#GRZ_167] {Legal}
[168] The American Emulsion: Order, Equality, and Freedom; Or, The Virtue of a Nation-State Not Made by Purity of Religion, Race, Heritage,.. [#GRZ_168] “‘Si’ est maximum parvum verbum in hoc mundo.” (“‘If’ is the biggest little word in the world.”); “Unitas sine uniformitate.” (“Unity without uniformity.”); “Conantes invenire animas, quidam mentes amittunt…et cor suum.” (“In trying to find their souls, some men lose their minds…and their hearts.”)
[169] The Most Happiest Time of the Year; Or, the Epistemology of Elfism, Aelfism, and Elfagnosticism [#GRZ_169] “‘Si’ est maximum parvum verbum in hoc mundo.” (“‘If’ is the biggest little word in the world.”) {Fables and Stories Set}
[170] The Orderly Administration Of A Diverse People. America Is Not A Church. [#GRZ_170] “Corpus mulieris est religio ipsius.” (“A woman’s body is her religion.”) {To Be or Not to Be}
[171] A Fool and His Country are Soon Parted; Or, The Late American Lifeboat Debate [#GRZ_171] “Facilius est rem pretiosam stulto vendere, qui pecuniam non habet, quam aliquid vile est vendere sapiento qui multam pecuniam habet.” (“It is easier to sell something expensive to a fool who has no money, than it is to sell something inexpensive to a sage who has a lot of money.”); “Prudentia bonum iudicat. Bonus non iudicat quid sit sapiens.” (“Wisdom judges what is good. Good does not judge what is wise.”)
[172] The Evolution of Revolution; Or Stopping the Revolution at 180°, And Not Going Full Circle [#GRZ_172] “Tempus ipsum recipit diem.” (“Time gets its day.”); “Moralitas non est in statu naturae.” (“Morality does not exist in the state of nature.”); “Societas proficit, sed numquam natura humana.” (“Society advances, but never human nature.”); “Id requirit potentiam ire et potentiam prohibere.” (“It takes power to go and power to stop.”); “Stellam attingere non necesse est ut ab eo ducamur.” (“We do not need to touch the star to be guided by it.”); “Mater Natura et Pater Tempus neque veniam neque veniam petunt, neque spem habent aut paenitentem.” (“Mother Nature and Father Time neither ask permission or forgiveness, nor do they have hopes or regrets.”); “Superstes est quintessentialis sui interest.” (“Survival is the quintessential self-interest.”); “Eheu per reversionem ad principium finimus.” (“Alas, we end by reversion to the beginning.”)
[173] A Bag of Talents, a Profitable Servant, and a Pile of Manure [#GRZ_173] “Potestatem tributum est potestas servitutis.” (“The power to tax is the power to enslave.”); “Infima musculus accipit acerbissima.” (“The weakest muscle gets the most sore.”)
[174] The History of the Decline and Fall of the American Hegemony; Or, Seven Cardinal Deadlies—The Executive Summary [#GRZ_174] “Tempus ipsum recipit diem.” (“Time gets its day.”); “Scis quod lectionem intelligis, quando eam times.” (“You know that you understand the lesson, when you are afraid to know it.”) {Hegemony}
[176] The Lincoln Leadership Dilemma; Or, The Primary Objective [#GRZ_176] “Mores est biased.” (“Morals are biased.”); “Veritas amittit praeiudicia.” (“Truth loses bias.”)
[177] The Fable of the King and the Grain Master [#GRZ_177] Malum consilium fortuna est.” (“Luck is bad strategy.”); “Virtus virtute salvatur, fortuna fortuna salvatur.” (“Virtue is saved by virtue, and luck is saved by luck.”) {Fables and Stories}
[178] The Truth. Hard to Handle, Even Harder to Swallow. [#GRZ_178] “Verum catino optime servivit frigus.” (“Truth is a dish best served cold.”) {Social Justice}
[179] Disney’s Inside-Out, Too? Or Meet Anxiety, Envy and Ennui; But Not Wisdom, Temperance, Courage and Justice? [#GRZ_179] “Sapientia perfectam esse non habet, sed astutam esse habet.” (“Wisdom does not have to be perfect, but it does have to be astute.”); “Amplectens infirmos servit, docens homines quomodo infirmetur non est serviens.” (“Embracing the weak is a service, teaching people to become weak is a disservice.”)
[180] The History of the Decline and Fall of the American Hegemony—Chapter 6 Excerpt—Responsibility Framework Failure [#GRZ_180] “Canis in lorum felem non facit.” (“A dog on a leash does not make it a cat.”); “Léo competit esum carnium, donec alii leones esuriant.” (“The lion is entitled to his meat, until he starves the pride.”) {Hegemony}
[181] The History of the Decline and Fall of the American Hegemony—Chapter 7 Excerpt—Wall Street [#GRZ_181] {Hegemony}
[182] The History of the Decline and Fall of the American Hegemony—Chapter 4 Excerpt—Education [#GRZ_182] “Stellam attingere non necesse est ut ab eo ducamur.” (“We do not need to touch the star to be guided by it.”) {Hegemony}
[183] The ONE LinkedIn Reference Set [#GRZ_183] {ONE®}
[184] The History of the Decline and Fall of the American Hegemony—Chapter 3 Excerpt—Fuel [#GRZ_184] {Hegemony}
[185] The History of the Decline and Fall of the American Hegemony—Chapter 2 Excerpt—National Debt [#GRZ_185] {Hegemony}
[187] The History of the Decline and Fall of the American Hegemony—Chapter 5 Excerpt—God [#GRZ_187] “Religio deum ut canem sequitur, et saepe rabidum.” (“Religion follows god like a dog, and oft a rabid one.”); “Auto-revelatio est in se contenta et perfecta, religio debet evadere et replicare.” (“Self-revelation is self-contained and complete, religion escapes and replicates.”); “Revelatio religionem repellit.” (“Revelation repels religion.”) {Hegemony}
[188] The LinkedIn Article Index [#GRZ_188]
[189] The Three Noble Cardinal Rules of Wisdom [#GRZ_189] “Sapientia nihil servit nisi ipsa.” (“Wisdom serves only itself”); “Sapiens casu non fit stultus.” (“The sage is not undone by the accident.”); “Fatuus felix debet obtinere.” (“The fool needs to get lucky.”); “Mater Naturam oppugnat, Patrem Tempus obsidet.” (“Mother Nature attacks, Father Time besieges.”); “Nulla vita in seipsa perficitur.” (“No life is perfected unto itself.”); “Nulla ars in seipsa perficitur.” (“No art is perfected unto itself.”); “Sapientia tempus collocat in aeternum.“ (“Wisdom invests time into forever.”)
[190] VI. Simulation and Dissimulation; Or, The Art of the Lie. – Back to Basics Abridgement Series [#GRZ_190] “Ludus est simulare.” (“Game is feign.”); “Sapientia non est ulli ecclesiae, nec servo morali.” (“Wisdom is not a slave to any church or morality.”); “Tempus ipsum recipit diem.” (“Time gets its day.”)
[191] The Corporate Transparency Act; Or, The Master Stroke of Genius, or Horror, Depending… [#GRZ_191] “Homo est dominus legis, lex non est domini hominis.” (“Man is master of law, the law is not master of man.”); “Lex homini servit, homo legi non servit.” (“The law serves man, man does not serve the law.”) {Legal}
[192] Kicking Around Big Ideas; Or, NFL Lessons in Human Nature and Political Philosophy [#GRZ_192] “Civilitas per modum civilitatis destruitur.” (“Civility is undone by civility.”); “Iustitia non est in statu naturae.” (“Justice does not exist in the state of nature.”); “Metam postes ne moventur ad pila.” (“The goal posts don’t move to the ball.”) {NFL Sports}
[193] Of Mice and Men, and Books and Men, and Mice Burning Men; Or, Behold the Man, Harrison Butker [#GRZ_193] {Hate Speech} {NFL Sports}
[194] Hate Speech v. Bad Speech v. Free Speech; Or, The Meta-Argument Part I [#GRZ_194] {Hate Speech} {NFL Sports}
[195] Hate Speech v. Bad Speech v. Free Speech; Or, The Meta-Argument – PART II – Artificial Intelligence [#GRZ_195] {Hate Speech} “Populus, qui audierit, comedent homines, qui loquuntur, donec cibus exierit.” (“The people who listen will eat the people who speak, until all the food is gone.”) {NFL Sports} {Prediction}
[196] The Perennial Debate: If We Step on a Polliwog, Do We Kill a Polliwog or a Frog? [#GRZ_196] “Pater Tempus semper accipit diem suum.” (“Father Time always gets his day.”) {To Be or Not To Be}
[197] Seven Key American Principles; Or, a Culture of Breaking Culture [#GRZ_197] “Libera cogitans societas dimittit conformitatem socialem ad servandam systemicam singularem libertatem.” (“A free-thinking society waives social conformity to preserve systemic individual freedom.”); “Tempus ducem eius invenies.” (“Time discovers its leader.”); [“Solus antiquitas nos non relinquit.” (“Antiquity won’t leave us alone.”)] {Abridgment} {NFL Sports}
[199] The Woman Wins. Now. It’s About Time. [#GRZ_199] “Boni effectus nec causam nec excusationem rogant.” (“Good effects beg neither cause nor excuse.”); “In rebus divinis omnes rationales personae necessario sunt agnosticae.” (“As to matters of god, all rational persons are necessarily agnostic.”); “Religio deum ut canem sequitur, et saepe rabidum.” (“Religion follows god like a dog, and oft a rabid one.”); “Coniungere est dividere.” (“To unite is to divide.”); “Homo est dominus legis, lex non est domini hominis.” (“Man is master of law, the law is not master of man.”); “Lex homini servit, homo legi non servit.” (“The law serves man, man does not serve the law.”); “In ecclesia, homo servit legi; in libera societate, lex homo servit.” (“In the church, man serves the law; in a free society, the law serves man.”); “Aliquid ubiquitous tendit praetermittendum.” (“What is ubiquitous tends to be overlooked.”); “Homo non potest esse haereticus suo dogmate.” (“No man is a heretic to his own dogma.”); “Homines pacifici sperent, sed fortes eos in spe vivant.” (“Peaceful people may hope, but warriors keep them alive to hope.”); “Libera cogitans societas dimittit conformitatem socialem ad servandam systemicam singularem libertatem.” (“A free-thinking society waives social conformity to preserve systemic individual freedom.”); “Mulier praegnans est religio sua.” (“A pregnant woman is her own religion.”); “Corpus mulieris est religio ipsius.” (“A woman’s body is her religion.”); “Lex non est cogere optimum, sed pessimum prohibere.” (“The law is not to compel the best, but to prevent the worst.”); “Conformitas cogitationis et diversitas cogitationis non obligant.” (“Conformity of thought and diversity of thought don’t bind.”); “Quod est error per fidem, non est rationalis per saecularismum.” (“What is delusion by faith, is not rational by secularity.”); “In diuersitate secularem libertatem habere, ecclesia seruus debet esse, non populus.” (“To have secular freedom in diversity, the church must be enslaved, not the people.”); “Solus antiquitas nos non relinquit.” (“Antiquity won’t leave us alone.”); “Cum aliquid moritur non sciet quod vixerit.” (“When a thing dies, it will not know that it had lived.”); “Homo concedit semen suum.” (“The man concedes his seed.”)
[200] LinkedIn Article Master Index – Sets and Series Index [#GRZ_200]
[201] The Parable of the Clown; Or, The Perspective of Influence [#GRZ_201] {Fables and Stories}
[202] Thoughts on Accountants Practicing of Law Without a License; Or, What Only a Lawyer Knows [#GRZ_202] “Malum consilium fortuna est.” (“Luck is bad strategy.”) {Business of Aesop™}
[203] A.I.’s Existential Crisis for Purpose and Meaning; Or, If A.I. Has No Desires, Then A.I. Needs No Incentives [#GRZ_203] “Homo sine cupiditate homo sine stimulo.” (“A man without desire is a man without incentive.”); “Lex patitur solum quod voluntarii.” (“The law suffers only what it volunteers.”); “Lex patitur nisi per electionem.” (“Law suffers only by choice.”); “Gubernatio non est in negotio donationis, sed regimen in negotio prosperitatis.” (“Government is not in the gifting business, government is in the prosperity business.”)
[204] Corporation Reform and Reboot, v.2.0; Or, It’s Only Capitalism, Until It’s Not, And It’s Not. [#GRZ_204] “Homo est dominus legis, lex non est domini hominis.” (“Man is master of law, the law is not master of man.”); “Lex homini servit, homo legi non servit.” (“The law serves man, man does not serve the law.”); “Quo celerius inflectere maius cedat.” (“The sooner the bend, the greater the yield.”); “Canis in lorum felem non facit.” (“A dog on a leash does not make it a cat.”); “Aliquid ubiquitous tendit praetermittendum.” (“What is ubiquitous tends to be overlooked.”); “Civilitas per modum civilitatis destruitur.” (“Civility is undone by civility.”)
[205] The Tarpeian Rock; Or, America’s Hard Decisions [#GRZ_205] “Verum catino optime servivit frigus.” (“Truth is a dish best served cold.”); “Malum consilium fortuna est.” (“Luck is bad strategy.”); “Spes confusionem creat.” (“Hope creates confusion.”); “Vita seriem accidentium.” (“Life is a series of sideswipes.”); “Sapientia et bonitas non sunt idem.” (“Wisdom and goodness are not the same thing.”); “Prudentia et bonitas moralis non est idem.” (“Civil prudence and moral goodness are not the same thing.”); “Cogitatio critica tantum laesura est contra indoctrinationem.” (“Critical thinking is only abrasive to indoctrination.”); “Scis quod lectionem intelligis, quando eam times.” (“You know that you understand the lesson, when you are afraid to know it.”); “Civilitas per modum civilitatis destruitur.” (“Civility is undone by civility.”) {Social Justice}
[206] Extract From Cato’s Speech Before the Roman Senate, After the Conspiracy of Cataline – Abridgment Series [#GRZ_206] {Abridgment Series}
[207] The Political Leadership Narrative; Or, “Don’t Worry, This Won’t Hurt a Bit.” [#GRZ_207] “Verum catino optime servivit frigus.” (“Truth is a dish best served cold.”); “Ius societatis civilis beneficia meruit, non donata.” (“The right to the benefits of civil society is earned, not gifted.””); “Non sumus quicquam quod emere possumus.” (“We are not anything that we can buy.”); “Corpus alit manus.” (“The body feeds the hand.”); “Omnia cedunt praecipuae utilitati communi.” (“All things yield to the primary objective of the common good.”); “Omnis lex est et cedit bono communi.” (“All law exists and yields for the common good.”); “Veritas scurra est, aut mendax. Nam semper ad me venit in specie desiderii mei. Postea hominem larvatum deprehendo.” (“The Truth is a jokester, or a liar. For, each time, he comes to me in the exact appearance of my desire. I later discover that he wore a mask.”); “Quid accipit ibi, custodit te ibi.” (“What gets you there, keeps you there.”); “Officium est alpha et omega boni. Officium non habet initium nec finem. Est integralis compage systemica.” (“Duty is the alpha and omega of the good. Duty has no beginning or end. It is integral to the systemic framework.”); “Positio ballerina non est naturalis, usque ad est.” (“The posture of the ballerina is not natural, until it is.”) {Social Justice}
[208] Are You Running With Your Shoes Untied? – Or, the Despise of Failure by Self-Inflicted Wounds [#GRZ_208] “Via ad defectum stratum est laesi affectus.” (“The road to failure is paved with hurt feelings.”); “Infima musculus accipit acerbissima.” (“The weakest muscle gets the most sore.”) {Donald Trump}
[209] The Two “Master Virtues” – The Executive Summary [#GRZ_209] “Sapientia Pater Morum, Disciplina est Pater Integritatis.” (“Wisdom is the Father of Character, Discipline is the Father of Integrity.”); “Sapientia Pater Moribus est, Disciplina est Mater integritatis.” (“Wisdom is the Father of Character, Discipline is the Mother of Integrity.”); “Sapientia et Disciplina sunt Pater et Mater Morum et Integritatis.” (“Wisdom and Discipline are the Father and Mother of Morality and Integrity.”); “Gubernaculum et vela refrenant ventum, ut sapientiam et disciplinam adfectus moderantur.” (“The rudder and sails control the wind, as wisdom and discipline control the emotions.”); “Iter hominis per totum tempus: Parum gubernaculum, nimium ventum.” (“The journey of man throughout time: Too little rudder, too much wind.”)
[210] The Rise of the American Hermaphrodite; Or, the Tending Shift of Cultural Narrative Since c.1950. [#GRZ_210] “Sapientia perfectam esse non habet, sed astutam esse habet.” (“Wisdom does not have to be perfect, but it does have to be astute.”); “Quae societas effecit, societas curare debet.” (“What society has caused, society must cure.”); “Veritas perseverans est.” “(The truth is persistent.”); “Minoritas attributa non creantur aequalia.” (“All the minority attributes are not created equal.”); “Omne discrimen non aequale creatum est.” (“All discrimination is not created equal.”); “Civilitas per modum civilitatis destruitur.” (“Civility is undone by civility.”); “Artificium causatum, curatum artificio.” (“Caused by contrivance, cured by contrivance.”); “Sapientia nihil servit nisi ipsa.” (“Wisdom serves only itself”); “Natura potest dissimulari, Natura disputari, Natura non negari.” (“Nature can be ignored, and Nature can be debated, but Nature will not be denied.”); “Sapientia non patitur hypocrisin legis.” (“Wisdom does not suffer the law’s hypocrisy.”)
[211] The Transgender Athletic Homogenization, Conflation and Confusion [#GRZ_211] “Omnia omnibus non eadem.” (“Everything is not all the same.”); “Id quod suspicione pascitur, tendet ad laqueum et lure.” (“That which feeds upon insecurity will tend to create the trap for it, and the lure.”)
[212] Saved Twice on Pennsylvania Ground; Or, Now Round 3: Fuel. Countries Don’t Die by Philosophies, They Die by Economies. [#GRZ_212] “Democratia virtutem per intentionem, sapientiam per directionem, disciplinam per applicationem requirit.” (“Democracy requires virtue by intention, wisdom by direction, and discipline by application.”); “Libertas invehitur in agmen oeconomicum.” (“Freedom rides on the economic train.”); “Felicitas relativa, salus absoluta.” (“Happiness is relative, survival is absolute.”); “Nobilis est sibi sapientia.” (“Wisdom is noble unto itself.”); “Non moriuntur regiones philosophiis, moriuntur oeconomicae.” (“Countries don’t die by philosophies, they die by economies.”)
[213] Napoleon Bonaparte, Commander in Chief of the French Army in Italy, Before His Attack on Milan, April 26, 1796 – Abridgment Series [#GRZ_213] “Vincens vis est, gubernans autem seducit.” (“Conquering is force, but governing is seduction.”); “Cum populum viceris, feminas non rape.” (“When you conquer a people, do not rape the women.”); “Disciplina est collocatio in ductu et gubernatione.” (“Discipline is an investment is leadership and governance.”) {Abridgment Series}
[214] Justifiable Fury Is Not Wisdom; To Keep Our Wits About Us [#GRZ_214] “Non moriuntur regiones philosophiis, moriuntur oeconomicae.” (“Countries don’t die by philosophies, they die by economies.”); “Iusta furor et sapientia non sunt idem.” (“Justifiable fury and wisdom are not the same thing.”)
[215] The Republicans Need to Learn from the Democrats. [#GRZ_215] “Politica est chorus, non iter.” (“Politics is a dance, not a march.”); “Non quiescant pugiles, sed solum pugiles pristini.” (“Champions don’t rest, but only former champions.”); “Legalis ratio et veritas in diversis vestigiis currunt, modo interdum transeuntes.” (“The legal system and the truth run on different tracks, only sometimes crossing.”); “Nulla felicitas temporalis est pro mortuis.” (“There is no temporal happiness for the dead.”); “Viribus optime ostensum est in sua continentia.” (“Power is best shown in its own restraint.”)
[216] Love or Fear to Motivate: Which is Better? [#GRZ_216] “Multum animus, metiri praemium, imminere minas.” (“Much inspiration, measured reward, looming threat.”) {Trump}
[217] The Gettysburg Address Anniversary – Abridgment Series [#GRZ_217] {Abridgment}
[218] The Round Book; Or, A Dream of Space [#GRZ_218]
[219] “Forgive Them, Founding Father; They Know Not What They Do.” Or, the Folly of Trying to Socialize the Meaning of Life [#GRZ_219] “Stultus vulgaris indiget consortio, sui vacuo.” “Stultus vulgaris indiget consortio, sui vacuo.” (“The common fool needs company, by vacuum of self.”); “Tempus stultum facit.” (“Time proves the fool.”); “Systemica diversitas harmonica est Experimentum Americanum.” (“Systemic harmonious diversity is the American Experiment.”); “Praesens tempus tantum fallit stultum hominem.” (“The present only fools the fool.”); “Tempus ipsum stultorum Nemesis est.” (“Time is the fool’s Nemesis.”); “Libertas non miles incedit, sed artifex saltandi.” (“Freedom is not a soldier marching, but an artist dancing.”)
[220] Trump v. Lincoln- The Over-Man v. The Philosopher King – Nietzsche v. Socrates – Machiavelli v. Everyone; Or, Political Philosophy 101 [#GRZ_220] “Homo est dominus legis, lex non est domini hominis.” (“Man is master of law, the law is not master of man.”); “Lex homini servit, homo legi non servit.” (“The law serves man, man does not serve the law.”); “Sapientia non patitur hypocrisin legis.” (“Wisdom does not suffer the law’s hypocrisy.”); “Mulier praegnans est religio sua.” (“A pregnant woman is her own religion.”); “Nemo haereticus suo dogmate.” (“No man is a heretic to his own dogma.”); “Ignorantia legis excusationem non est negare legem, sed nec cognitio legis excusationem ad implendum est.” (“Ignorance of the law is not an excuse to deny the law, but nor is knowledge of the law an excuse to obey it.”); “Conscientia uniuscuiusque est effectus ab aliquo deo causatus.” (“Each human being’s conscience is the effect by causation of any god.”); “Boni effectus nec causam nec excusationem rogant.” (“Good effects beg neither cause nor excuse.”; “Conscientia est suus finis.” (“Conscience is its own end.”)© 2024 Gregg Zegarelli, Esq. Gregg can be contacted through LinkedIn.–ez8ee
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