This is a great time for me to ask you, “Are you ready?“
But, wait… I have not asked you yet, so wait a moment of time before you answer…
There are many points of reference in life, such as time, that are arbitrary and unnatural. I say “arbitrary and unnatural” in the sense that we establish many points of reference for chosen life purposes, and “unnatural” in the sense that a circadian rhythm is natural, but for the exceptional human being, the external mechanical clock, not so much.
In the flow of the infinite continuum of time (such as we may understand it), we choose to mark certain points of reference for measurement; that is, the year, month, hour, minute, second, and so on… Points of reference exist in many continuums, such as time and sound.
For example, at one point, the ancient Romans measured an hour by the amount of daylight, making the length of an hour relative to the time of the year. An hour was therefore longer in the summertime. As social nocturnal capabilities grew, this measurement needed to evolve into something closer to the absolute day that we have today. Nevertheless, it was not time that changed, but only our human points of reference. While human beings fuss with their calendars, worms are doing exactly what they have always done.
Similarly, soundwaves are a frequency continuum (such as we may understand it), and musical notes are merely points on that frequency continuum. The Stuttgart Pitch of the A note above middle-C is 440 hz is because it is the reference point that we have created. Different cultures may mark that frequency continuum in different ways, making one culture’s “music” to sound strange to another culture, but sound itself could care less about such points of human reference. Sound is sound.
Therefore, as time goes, a New Year reference is really nothing inherently special, in the larger sense. It is simply a point of reference, that we, as human beings, have arbitrarily determined for life measurement purposes, often social life purposes. For theists, it seems that god, such as worms, would not be bound into such human measurement contrivances, saying to self (if god [or worms] should say things to self), “What difference does that humanly contrived thing, being a new day or any day, really make as to one reference relative to another?” and then progressing into hours, minutes and seconds, and all the other human finer measurements of “time” until it is clear that these measurements are immaterial, in the larger sense. Time itself could care less about such points of human reference. Time is time.
Several years ago, on New Year’s Day morning, I started asking my family members:
“Are you ready?“
The first time I asked the question, my family members did exactly what is usual and expected, being to respond with, “What are you talking about? For what? Ready for what?“
And my response? “It doesn’t matter.“
Each new year—indeed, each month, day, hour, minute, second; that is, the continuum of life (such as we may understand it)—introduces some form of causal change that, in almost every case, necessitates a response by effect.
The need for us to be ready only for the one thing or any certain thing within an infinite continuum, is to introduce life frustration as a result of every other event for which we are not ready.
To need to know the thing for which to be ready is the novice child asking for the test question before the test. It’s not that easy.
Perhaps some would liken the point to “expect the unexpected,” which indeed is a corollary. In both cases, the point is to expose a mission-critical distinction; to wit: it changes the focus of the question away from the external thing that comes at us, into a focus onto the thing that is going to respond, being ourselves.
The New Year, such as any other arbitrary point in time, will introduce us to something from an infinite list of available items that we did not—we do not—expect. Tragedy, joy, pleasure, pain, catastrophe, life and death. All of that was here, is here, and will be here. The test itself is that we don’t know for certain exactly why it will happen, what it will be, where it will occur, when or how it will occur, or in what form it will appear.
But, it is coming, sure as the night follows the day.
I’ll suggest to you that there is only one correct answer to the question of, “Are you ready?“
So, now, I am prepared to ask you, “Are you ready?“
It is not the strongest that survive, or the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change. Charles Darwin
© 2020 Gregg Zegarelli, Esq. Gregg can be contacted through LinkedIn.
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