[If result pages indicator exists below, additional results may be available. Results do not always fill a screen.]]
The History of the Decline and Fall of the American Hegemony—Chapter 5 Excerpt—God
.Set: Decline of American Hegemony, .Set: Zygote Gestation, Books, Education, Emotions, Equality, God, Happiness and Joy, History, Hope, Human Nature, Jefferson, Jesus, Justice Harmony Balance, Karma, Law, Love and Empathy, Medicine, Morality, Philosophy, Philosophy-Political, Plato, Politics, Prayer, Psychology, Religion, Socrates, Stand for America, Stubbornness, Time, Trust, Hope and Faith, Vanity, Vision and Strategy, Wisdom, Zygote Gestation -
The Challenge of Vaccines, and Predictive Delusion
.Set: Predictions, Adversity, Confidence, Death, Discipline, Economics, Education, Emotions, Existentialism, Father Time, God, History, Hope, Human Nature, Inspiration, Language, Logic and Induction, Luck, Marketing and Branding, Medicine, Morality, Movies, Philosophy, Philosophy-Political, Politics, Stand for America, Technology, Time, Trust, Hope and Faith, Wall Street, Wisdom