A Brisk Critical-Thought Exercise in the Circumcision of Circumcision

With all of the new government conversations regarding transgenderism and body surgery of minors, it got me to thinking that it is a great time to conduct a serious critical-thought exercise regarding the time-tested surgery upon male-XY minors by their parents, being circumcision.

Let’s start in the form of a conversational dialogue; to wit:

One upon a time….

Claire’s sister had a newborn baby boy named “Frank.” Of course, he is just perfect.

Claire greets her sister and brother-in-law, Jane and John; to wit:

Hi Sis,” said Claire, “Congratulations on Little Frankie. He’s just ‘perfect!’

Thanks, Claire. Yes, he is absolutely perfect…,” said Jane, holding up Little Frankie, with John nodding in agreement.

Claire then inquired, Are you going to have him circumcised?

Jane, a bit caught off guard by her sister’s understandable but somewhat intrusive question, replied, “Well, um, yes, of course!

Why?inquired Claire.

Jane, now looking a bit “deer in the headlights,” responded defensively, “What do you mean, ‘why’? It’s what everyone is doing right now!

Well,” said Claire, “You know me, ‘Claire, Ms. Rational and Logical’!

“Sis, of course you know that saying that ‘everyone’s doing it’ is neither rational nor logical. Everyone was doing slavery, too, and then blood-letting, and then not eating eggs, and then taking the miracle-drug aspirin, and then not getting sunshine, and then not breast-feeding, and then eating only margarine, and then doing wall-to-wall carpeting. You know. Saying ‘everyone’s doing it’ is not a substantive thoughtful position on a question. Logic aside, history clearly teaches that a mass of people doing something does not make it correct. You learned that, didn’t you, in that crazy expensive college Mom and Dad bought for you, right? They taught you to think for yourself and ‘to reason,’ right?”

John now stepping into the conversation, “Actually, it’s sort of a Judeo-Christian thing.

Now, John,” retorted Claire, “Whatsoever are you talking about?” Continuing, “You’re not Jewish, John, and I don’t even think you guys are Christian. You’re some kind of Nuevo-Jesus thing, which is fine. But, what are you saying? Are you saying that God came down from Heaven and told you to carve up ‘perfect’ Little Frankie?

Of course not!” responded John, sarcastically, “God did not come down from Heaven and tell us to do anything at all! It’s sort of a pact, or covenant between us.

Okay, I get it,” said Claire condescendingly, “God did not come down from Heaven and tell you to do it, like telling Abraham to burn his son. You and the voice of God just sort of made a pact together to cut your child Little Frankie with a scalpel. You know, don’t you, that the Commonwealth outlawed killing chickens in religious rituals years ago. You’re not going to throw the skin into a fire like in Game of Thrones or something?

C’mon, Claire,” said Jane, “You sound certifiably nuts…again. Why do you say crazy stuff all the time? All we’re doing is just a little snip. In fact, I’ve read that it is a hygienic bacterial thing.

Really?” said Claire, “Just a snip? A hygienic bacterial thing? You’re kidding right? You probably heard that from a religious zealot, or a mass of religious doctors who are biased by shared personal faith, or a doctor who makes money directly or indirectly from that advice, or someone else who makes money by conducting the procedure.

I sure hope no parents do a little snip on little girls by the voice of God, here or there. Geeze, guys. And, hygienic? I am sure there are ways to make little girls’ genitalia more hygienic, too! Why don’t you just pull out fingernails while you’re at it. Bacteria there, too.”

Have you ever heard of a little bar of Dial Soap? Sure, it used to be a block of soap, and now it’s curved up, and carved in and around, making it about 70% of its original content, but even a little still works wonders. Just a little soap and water on Little Frankie. No knives, chopping or carving needed. Geeze, I’m not even a zealot or naturalist. I use plastic all the time. I’m just trying to understand, rationally, why you’re chopping up Little Frankie as responsible and thoughtful parents.

Okay, actually,” said Jane, “if we don’t do it, too, he will look different in the showers. There might be stigma.

Claire then looking puzzled, responding, “Jane and John, I hate to break it to you, but, Jane, we’re part Asian, part Norwegian, and part Native American. And John, well, you’re native Nigerian. Moreover, Jane and John, we all have incidents of readily apparent genetic anomalies in our families.

“I thought you guys were way past worrying about your children looking unique. You guys professed that it’s a new world of inclusion and you’re not going to perpetuate self-fulfilling prophecies. Doing it because everyone’s doing it is not a logical basis, and, from a government perspective, doing it for ‘god,’ whether it’s Yahweh or Odin, is illegal like witch voodoo. And doing it for hygiene is contradicted by about a million years of evolution and the recent inventions known as indoor plumbing and a little bar of soap.

“I’m simply not seeing a medical exigent necessity supported by sufficient data. No little male babies are dying by retaining foreskin, and, actually, to the contrary, males have naturally evolved in survival to have it. Guys, I think you’re confused. I love Little Frankie, too. Sorry if it hurts a little bit or even too much for you, but I’ve got to call it the way I see it.


Our story continues offline, but it ends here for our purpose.

Now, it seems that there are XX-women who might comment on whether or not a XY-male child gets circumcised. We would expect that pro-choice women would not suggest it by the reciprocal principle that no man should tell her what to do with her body. And we would expect that the pro-life women would not suggest it by the principle not to inflict pain on an embryo in a womb and therefore not to inflict pain on an actually born XY-male baby.

And, God-forbid, if a man should find out that his mother, being an XX-women, decided to cut his foreskin without exigent medical necessity… We can only imagine in speculation. As a lawyer for 35 years, I expect that I could find at least one Doctor of Psychology or Doctor of Sociology who would testify at trial regarding my circumcised male client’s repressed trauma, adduced by hypnosis, that was the seminal cause for his need to dominate everyone in the workplace, provided that I can pay the doctor enough money as the expert fee.

And, moreover, the same medical doctor could also testify that the circumcision, to the extent suggested by the XY-male father, was such a betrayal by my client’s hero, that he developed an Oedipal Complex and thereby desired the dysfunctional incestual inclination to marry his mother, provided, of course, that she did not also participate in the circumcision decision. And, if they both did it, he developed a sociopathic betrayal loner complex. It goes without saying, of course, that provided I could also pay the doctor enough money as the expert fee.

In conclusion, it seems to me, rationally speaking and critically-thinking on a subject of some sensitivity, that the time for circumcision has passed. All this talk about transgenderism, for better or worse, makes the subject regarding child body surgery ripe for reconsideration as an exercise in critical thinking.*

The purpose of this article is not to create any suggestion or idea that someone on behalf of Little Frankie should file for immediate injunctive relief to test the question; that is, to adduce a reasoned opinion of proper applicable social standards from an objective review of the context by our judges.


* Taken as a matter of superficial exposition, this article appears to regard circumcision of foreskin in XY-males, but, in truth, it has less to do with that precise subject than it has to do with the larger study of human nature and critical-thinking as a function of self-interest, delusion, hypocrisy, self-justification, rationalization, the legal system, and culture.

All that is thoughtless humanity, by a follower’s folly, encephalated by circumcision.


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© 2023 Gregg Zegarelli, Esq. Gregg can be contacted through LinkedIn.


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