“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” Leonardo da Vinci. Adopted by Steve Jobs.
Two Goats grazed in the mountains, and met facing each other, each on different sides of a chasm across which there was a fallen tree trunk.
Now, as it happened, each Goat, wanting to cross to the other side, started to walk across the tree trunk—each toward the other.
Certainly, each could have taken a turn. Yet, both met—head against head—horns against horns.
Each was too proud and stubborn to give way. “You yield and let me cross first!” said one, “No, you yield first!” said the other.
Pressing their horns forward and each refusing to yield…they both fell, and were swept away by the roaring river below.
Moral of the Story: Thoughtful concession to goal, rather than stubborn pride. Lose a battle, win a war.
Introduction – The Essential Aesop – Epilogue
Why We Loved It: This fable reminds us that stubbornness and pride come before failure. It is better to concede some pride to accomplish the larger goal.
© 2021 Gregg Zegarelli, Esq. Gregg can be contacted through LinkedIn.
See also: The Four Horsemen of the Social Justice Apocalypse