It has been said that anyone who hates is also a fool, or is at least being foolish.
And, like unwittingly putting on a fool’s hat, for someone openly to express hate is simply an express admission of being a fool, or at least being foolish. But, people who hate tend to be so consumed with the venomous moment that they don’t see it, or care to see it.
I am really not too judgmental, but, on this precise point about hate, I think I agree. Yes, pulling a FDR, I suppose the only thing to hate, is hate itself.
Regarding hate, we can learn the hate best practices from the best and brightest: Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Jesus and Socrates. All of these men were injured and ultimately killed, and, yet, they still did not hate. Victims of injustice, ridicule and despise. But, not even with all that injustice, all that injury, and all that murder, they still did not hate. Our friend, Abraham Lincoln, certainly followed the hate best practices: a bloody civil war, depicted as a monkey, despised by half of a nation, and, yet, still no hate. [1]
How does such a thing happen? How can such people endure it, such pain, still without hating? I’ll tell you: There was simply too much love in them—hate just could not get out. Hate was a prisoner of love. Or, maybe, better yet, hate just could not find the space to get in. [2]
This is their lesson and legacy to us, all being wise men. Wisdom simply does not hate. Fools hate. Even if these great men felt it inside, they never expressed it or replicated it. They never spewed the venom. Perhaps they had some anger or frustration at times, but those emotions are not hate, just as a good joke and happiness are not love.
There was simply too much love in them—hate just could not get out. Hate was a prisoner of love.
But, then, being in our media-driven world, how do we handle the Dukakian rhetorical question that follows, “You profess not to hate, but would you not hate the person who rapes your wife and murders your children?“
Perhaps a suggested answer: “Probably, yes, I would experience the feeling of hate for my weakness as a human being. I may be forgiven for it, but it does not logically follow that I am the wiser for it. And, I hope someone who is a friend—living or dead—would console and advise me from it and acting upon it.“
Trying to follow the example of the best and brightest—that is, not hating—is like being guided by a star: you don’t have to touch the star to be guided by it.
I often quote wise people in my commentaries, which includes Jesus often enough. I assure you that I don’t quote Jesus for any religious dogma, but only for the purpose of trying to replicate his wisdom. Jesus made a comment regarding the distinction between having hate, and expressing or teaching hate. Whether or not you believe that hate is a “sin” is a matter of personal spirituality, but I will provide the quote from Jesus, changing the word “sin” for “hate” to make the point:
“Things that cause hate will inevitably occur, but woe to the person through whom they occur. Whoever causes one of these little ones who believes in me to hate, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of things that cause hate! Such things must come, but woe to the one through whom they come.” [3]
Now, I won’t presume to interpret the wisdom of Jesus for others, each to his or her own, but I can tell you how I interpret this statement, to wit:
We are human, and it is natural to react to injury upon us. This reaction to injury may cause us to feel hate. That is natural. A failure of being perfect, perhaps, but understandable and forgivable. However, whenever we act upon the hate we might feel, expressing it, manifesting it, teaching it to a child, causing the hate to expand and to replicate like a virus unto others, then, well, that is time for the millstone. Internal feelings are tough to control, but actions can be controlled. Hate will inevitably occur, but the vessel that carries the hate from one unto others should be drowned in the depths of the sea.
I started thinking more about hate recently, particularly because of the United States elections and the more recent racial tensions. There are simply so many manifestations of hate, particularly on social media, so many people insulting, ridiculing and vilifying other people. All that hate, all those expressions of hate, all those manifestations of hate, all that teaching of hate, replicated and replicating like a virus unto others. Such vilification of others, and there are so many excuses to do so.
The best of humanity is demonstrated in reason, empathy and compassion. [4] The irony for each of the great men identified above is that they accomplished their purpose without hate, rather than with hate, and each had so many excuses to hate. There are so many excuses to hate.
But, those great men are the wise, the disciplined, the few, walking through the narrow gate. Not so easy, and many fail.
It may be that only a few can touch the star, but many can be guided by it.
[1] Good v. Evil; Or, Thoughtlessness by Simplistic Vilification
[2] No Tolerance for Hate, or All Tolerance for Hate?
[3] ONE®: The Unified Gospel of Jesus, Divine Version [Second Edition] Published, citation at ONE: 1661 [L17:1]
[4] On Empathy: To Give Empathy Is a Blessing; To Need Empathy Is a Curse
Copyright © 2016 Gregg Zegarelli. Gregg can be contacted through LinkedIn.
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