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“The wisest of all, Socrates, was found reciting Aesop on his deathbed…
“An Aesop’s fable may appear to be a simple thing. Einstein’s wave of light analogy may appear to be a simple thing. A parable of Jesus may appear to be a simple thing. And indeed, one of Steve Jobs’ pretty little icons may appear to be a simple thing.
“But the simplicity appears only in the art of it, but not in the science of it.“
~ The Importance of Aesop to Socrates
Following is an index of the Aesop LinkedIn Articles. Aesop’s Fables have withstood the test of time. If you need an idea for your upcoming presentation, or if you’re a lover of philosophy and wisdom, this summary index is provided for your support.
The Essential Aesop for Business, Managers, Writers and Professional Speakers (here in a Back to Basics Abridgement Series) is a collection from the printed book, augmented by “Why We Loved It” commentary. The Business of Aesop™ are additional LinkedIn articles that directly reference the fables, but are not part of The Essential Aesop series; these articles are cited as the “b.” references below.
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Epilogue Reference [#GRZ_98_114]
- a. Persuasion v. Force – No. 1. The North Wind and the Sun; b. Persuasion and Force – Business of Aesop™
- Self-Validation and Envy – No. 2. The Frog and the Ox
- Planning Ahead, Vision and Industry – No. 3. The Ant and the Grasshopper
- a. Team, Helping Others – No. 4. The Donkey and the Mule; b. Teamwork – Business of Aesop™
- Compromise and Pride – No. 5. The Two Goats
- Measure for Measure – No. 6. The Ass and the Load of Salt
- Bearing Insults – No. 7. The Bear and the Bees
- a. Ideas are a Dime a Dozen – No. 8. Belling the Cat; b. Big Ideas – Business of Aesop™
- a. Satisfaction, Appreciation and Greed – No. 9. The Boy and the Filberts; b. Greed is Good? – The Business of Aesop™
- Contentment – No. 10. The City Mouse and Country Mouse
- The Despise of Failure – No. 11. The Fox and the Grapes
- Team Sticks Together – No. 12. The Bundle of Sticks
- a. Bad Bargains, Power, and Vulnerability By Temptation – No. 13. The Wolf and the Crane; b. Trusting the People, Trusting the Deal – The Business of Aesop™
- Complainers – No. 14. The Oxen and the Wheels
- a. Burning Bridges – No. 15. The Lion and the Mouse; b. Burning Bridges – Business of Aesop™
- Integrity and Reliability. No. 16. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
- Self-Importance. No. 17. The Gnat and the Bull
- The Critic. No. 18. The Plane Tree
- The Company We Keep. No. 19. The Farmer and the Stork
- Empathy to Understanding. No. 20. The Sheep and the Pig
- a. Mutual Loyalty. No. 21. The Two Travelers and the Purse; b. Going It Alone – Business of Aesop™
- Consider the Source. No. 22. The Lion and the Ass
- Thoughtful Flexibility. No. 23. The Oak and the Reeds
- Necessity is the Mother of Invention. No. 24. The Crow and the Pitcher
- Vanity and Self-Delusion. No. 25. The Lion and the Ass
- Each Its Own Strength, Each its Own Weakness. No. 26. The Lion and the Gnat
- Prove it! Words v. Action. No. 27. The Leap at Rhodes
- Value Is As Value Does. No. 28. The Cock and the Jewel
- a. Prepare. Prepare. Prepare. No. 29. The Wild Boar and the Fox; b. Be Prepared – Business of Aesop™
- Half-Clever is Not Clever At All. No. 30. The Ass, Fox and Lion
- Taking Sides. Friends of All, Enemies of All. No. 31. The Bats, Birds and Beasts
- Justification. No. 32. The Wolf and the Lamb
- a. Substance Over Form. No. 33. The Stag and His Reflection; b. The Substance of Things – The Business of Aesop™
- Hypocrisy. Practice What We Preach. No. 34. The Wolf and the Lion
- Self-Absorbed. What Goes Around, Comes Around. No. 35. The Fox and the Stork
- Trust, by Tendency and Prediction. No. 36. The Wolf and the Sheep
- Priorities, Everything Has A Price. No. 37. The Peacock
- Competition and Clever Mergers – No. 38. The Lion, Bear and Fox
- The Flaw of Relative Appreciation – No. 39. The Hares and the Frogs
- Familiarity Breeds Contempt – No. 40. The Fox and the Lion
- Self-Interested Advice – No. 41. The Rabbit, Weasel, and Cat
- Being Naive – No. 42. The Wolf and the Goat
- Finding Our Own Muse – No. 43. The Ass and the Grasshopper
- Thinking It Through – No. 44. The Fox and the Goat
- Appearances Can Be Deceiving – No. 45. The Cat, Cock and Mouse
- The Patience of Latent Evil – No. 46. The Wolf and the Shepherd
- The Most Valuable Industry – No. 47. The Farmer and His Sons
- a. Choosing Partners – No. 48. The Two Pots; b. Same for You, Same for Me – The Business of Aesop™
- Patience to Wealth – No. 49. The Goose that Laid the Golden Egg
- Nature Conforms Action – No. 50. The Scorpion and the Frog
- a. Misery Loves Company – No. 51. The Fox Without A Tail; b. The Insecure Human Being – The Business of Aesop™
- The Implosion of Envy – No. 52. The Dog and His Reflection
- Absolute Power Resolves to Self-Interest – No. 53. The Lion’s Share
- Flattery – No. 54. The Fox and the Crow; b. “Sugar, Darling, You Look Marvelous.” The Business of Aesop™
- The Patience of Comeuppance – No. 55. The Dying Lion
- Know Thyself First, Then Context – No. 56. The Ass and the Lapdog
- Think Ahead. The Thing From The Seed. – No. 57. The Swallow and Other Birds
- Be Careful What You Wish For. – No. 58. The Frogs Desiring a King
- The Talker. Isolation Incubating Cowardice – No. 59. The Wolf and the Kid
- Wisdom v. Compassion, Or, the Elizabeth Smart Prediction – No. 60. The Woodsman and Serpent
- Self-Inflicted Misery – No. 61. The Bald Man and the Fly
- The Acidic Venom of Scorn – No. 62. The Serpent and the File
- Pity Is Always Noble, But Only Sometimes Wise – No. 63. The Man and the Wood
- a. Dependency. Or, He Who Feeds Us Enslaves Us – No. 64. The Dog and the Wolf; b. He Who Feeds Us Enslaves Us – The Business of Aesop™
- Social Civility – No. 65. The Mischievous Dog
- Appreciating Team Members – No. 66. The Belly and Members
- Enslavement by Desire. Or, the Risk of Asking for Favors – No. 67. The Horse, Hunter and Stag
- a. Consider the Source; or First Hand Knowledge – No. 68. The Lion and the Statue; b. Considering the Source – The Business of Aesop™
- Selfish Envy – No. 69. The Dog in the Manger
- Tough Love – No. 70. The Young Thief and His Mother
- Pleasing Everyone, Pleasing No One – No. 71. The Man with Two Wives
- Is It Worth It? – No. 72. The Tortoise and the Birds
- Be Yourself – No. 73. The Ass in the Lion’s Skin
- Loyalty and Partnerships – No. 74. The Bear and the Two Travelers
- Frenemies and Constancy- No. 75. The Man and the Satyr
- Consenting – No. 76. The Fox, Cock and the Dog
- Self-Power. Prayer, Hope and Luck. Or, Just Do It. – No. 77. Hercules and the Waggoner
- Please All, Please None – No. 78. The Man, the Boy and the Donkey
- Attachment, Greed. Or, Just Let It Go. – No. 79. The Miser and His Gold
- Dilemmas, and The Devil We Know – No. 80. The Fox, Mosquito and Hedgehog
- Vigilance for the Exception – No. 81. The One-Eyed Doe
- Consistency and Incremental Success – No. 82. The Tortoise and the Hare
- Speak of the Devil. Or, Be Careful What You Wish For. – No. 83. The Old Laborer and Death
- True Friendship. Or, Being Friendly v. Being Friends. – No. 84. The Hare with Many Friends
- The Folly of Love – No. 85. The Lion in Love
- Trust, but Verify; or, Vigilance for the Trap – No. 86. The Lion, Fox and Beasts
- Wit, Clever Excuses and Plausible Deniability – No. 87. The Ass’s Brains
- Blame 101. Or, Attitude, and Sticks and Stones. – No. 88. The Eagle and the Arrow
- Betting on the Come; Or, the “IF” Clause – No. 89. The Milkmaid and Her Pail
- Our Core Nature Persists – No. 90. The Cat Maiden
- I Wish I Were You; Maybe Not, I’ll Just Be Me – No. 91. The Horse and the Ass
- Words Matter – No. 92. The Trumpeter
- Influencers and Situational Management – No. 93. The Coal Burner and the Fuller
- Let Me Explain My Thought-Process – No. 94. Kingdom of the Lion
- Projection, Fault Displacement and Easy Excuses – No. 95. The Traveler and His Dog
- Stick to the Business You Know – No. 96. The Fisherman and His Flute
- a. Paralysis by Analysis; or, KISS… – No. 97. The Fox and the Cat; b. Einstein, Jesus, and the Shared Kiss – The Business of Aesop™
- The Price for Deception; Or, What Goes Around. – No. 98. The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
- Assistance without Judgment – No. 99. The Bathing Boy
- Enough is Enough – No. 100. Bird in the Hand
- Thinking It Through, Or, Seeing the Thing from the Seed – No. 101. The Porcupine and the Cave b. The Google Privacy Case – 10 Year Anniversary – Business of Aesop™
- Pride; Or, What’s the Point? – No. 102. The Peacock’s Tail
- a. Teaching By Example – No. 103. The Mother Crab; b. Do As I Say, Not As I Do – The Business of Aesop™ No. 103 – The Mother Crab
- Know Your Limits – No. 104. The Eagle and the Jackdaw
- Stubbornness – No. 105. The Ass and His Driver
- Keep It Real; Or, Delusion of Self – No. 106. The Wolf and His Shadow
- Respect, Mercy; Or Sensitive Thoughtfulness- No. 107. The Boy and the Frogs
- Inductive Reasoning; Or Natural Prejudice – No. 108. The Spendthrift and the Sparrow
- Unwavering Commitment – No. 109. The Boy and the Nettle
- Physician, Heal Thyself – No. 110. The Quack Frog
- Picayune – No. 111. The Ass and His Shadow
- The Delusion of Self-Importance – No. 112. The Fly on the Axle
- Appreciation for Intention and Capability [Final Episode] – No. 113. The Man and the Old Dog
Epilogue Reference [#GRZ_98_114]
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© 2023 by Gregg Zegarelli. All rights reserved.
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