There was once a coach who was coaching his team on a field. At the same time, there was a boy who had an injured leg who was walking alone around the track.
As the boy walked, the boy wanted to give up for the pain in his leg, but he overheard the coach yelling at the team on the field, “Come on, you can do it!” So, hearing this, the boy pressed on.
Day after day, it continued; that is, the boy walking to repair his leg, wanting to give up for the pain, but holding on when he heard the coach inspire the team. And, soon, the boy was running again.
When the training season was ending, the boy went up to the coach. “Thank you for helping me so much, Coach.” The coach replied curiously, “How could I have helped you? I didn’t see you with the team.“
“Perhaps you didn’t see me,” replied the boy. “But you helped me all the same, Coach. It’s not important that you saw me, it is only important that I heard you, and, even though you never knew it, you gave me the inspiration to be my best.”
Moral of the Story: Inspiration has its own paths and destinations. The Spirit passes by some, but it enters all who welcome it, without ration. Only the finite is rationed, but the gift of inspiration is infinite, and there is exactly as much of it as is needed, for all of us, without limitation. The duty is to be the font, source, or vehicle, by which the Spirit is offered to others, from each to all, in our own way. Inspiration will enter exactly where it is accepted.
No coach or teacher has any power to track the Spirit. No coach or teacher has any power to make a person to accept the Spirit. But, what every coach and teacher has the power to do is to help the Spirit, to advocate the Spirit, and to express the Spirit—with enthused fervor—and then to let the Spirit do its job.
Inspiration will work in its own way, even if the coach or teacher never knows upon whom it works, or when it works, or where is works, or why it works, or even how it works.
“Flowers don’t always blossom in a day, and the bee will oft pollinate out of view.”*
*”Flores in die non semper florent, et apis saepe ex visu pollinet.” ~grz
“For the one whom God sent speaks the words of God, for God does not ration the gift of the Spirit.” ONE: 407 [J3:34]
This article is based upon a true story. It is dedicated to Coach Richard Butler and teachers, coaches, spiritual leaders and motivational speakers everywhere.
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© 2018 Gregg Zegarelli, Esq. Gregg can be contact through LinkedIn.
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