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Bad Bargains, Power, and Vulnerability By Temptation – No. 13. The Wolf and the Crane – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” Leonardo da Vinci. Adopted by Steve Jobs.

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A Wolf had a bone stuck in his throat.

He was sure that the Crane, with her long neck, would easily be able to reach the bone and pull it out. “If you pull the bone out for me,” said the Wolf to the Crane, “I will give you the greatest of rewards!

The Crane, tempted by such a reward, did what the Wolf asked, removing the bone for him.

After the bone had been removed, the Wolf walked away. The Crane looking on in surprise, said, “But, Mister Wolf, what of my greatest reward?

How ungrateful you are!” snarled the Wolf in retort, “Your head was in my mouth, and I let you keep your life!

Moral of the Story: There is no good bargain where there is neither trust in the party nor the ability to enforce the terms. Power justifies its position. Temptation makes us vulnerable.


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Introduction – The Essential Aesop – Epilogue


Why We Loved It: This fable reminds us to be careful in our deal-making. There is always a brass ring dangling, and our emotions tend to draw us to it. But, nothing is free. Trust is important, but it is not a replacement from prudent practical protections, such as “Trust but verify,” “Trust in Allah, but tie up your camel,” “Pray to God, boys, but keep your powder dry.” Trusting that someone won’t take your gun is not the same as locking it up. There is no “But I trusted” legal defense for the fiduciary who is duped, only injury and liability.

Related Article: Trusting the People, Trusting the Deal – The Business of Aesop™ No. 13 – The Wolf and the Crane

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© 2013 Arnold Zegarelli and Gregg Zegarelli, Esq. Gregg can be contacted through LinkedIn. Arnold Zegarelli can be contacted through Facebook.

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