The Friendly Russian – Stand for America®

November 30, 2018

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Looking at unordered things is (or should be) uncomfortable for human beings. The well-ordered human mind seeks order.

Indeed, the choice of order may be different for different human beings, but the human mind naturally seeks some form of order. Chaos takes work, and the work is to achieve order.

Certainly, different human beings will order—or index—differently; to wit, some human beings may order by color grouping, and others may order by location in lining things up. It does not necessarily imply a prejudice that people may organize by putting the blue dots grouped with the blue dots—it is simply the mind’s way to control the information more effectively, usually based upon a common attribute. Some attributes are better than others.

To put things into an order is to get control over the things, and getting control over things is to conquer the things. To control is to conquer.

Control is part of our survival instinct. To control things, human beings have evolved into machines of weaponry, much from our ability to create tools. Each tool is a weapon of sorts that helps us to conquer something. What we choose to conquer is a different issue, relying upon wisdom, but this evolved or gifted ability to create tools to conquer things is simply part of our DNA. A hammer that conquers a nail is a tool, a hammer that conquers a head is a weapon.

The opening scene of 2001: A Space Odyssey makes the point nicely, and evolved intellectual Thomas Jefferson concurs:

Mankind soon learn to make [self-]interested uses of every right and power which they possess, or may assume.

Notes on Virginia II, Correspondence 1782-1786 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

In a manner of speaking, weapons—or tools if you prefer—that we can control are deemed to be our friends, and tools that we can’t control are deemed to be our enemies, meaning they support or contradict our self-interested advantage, respectively.

There are sometimes hopeful diatribes regarding the mean nature of human beings existing within defined nation states, or statements against the ills and adversarial nature of nationalism. The implication is that human beings should all be united and not divided into groups. This is certainly a noble assertion, but wisdom (which is not based upon hopes and dreams) knows otherwise. There is no evidence that the lion and the lamb will lie together soon. [7]

To unify is to divide. To unify a set is to divide a set, by definition. Each unifying group implies a division, and human nature will group and order upon some attribute. The tier of grouping is incidental to the rule, but a grouping, based upon some attribute, will be made. The grouping of individuals is not necessarily always based upon prejudices, per se, but simply upon a bond of some shared attribute. Groups will occur between or among human beings, because it is part of our tribal nature and evolved condition.

Nation states, such as they are now, are generally groupings of common interests evolved from definitive geographical boundaries. But, as we’ve seen from the war on terror, some newer socio-political groupings are now indexed by religious background, without definitive geographical boundaries. This newer grouping, for better or worse, is actually a more sophisticated grouping, not based upon the physicality, but rather based upon ideas, beliefs, and opinions.

Groupings by social associations, whether nation states, religions or any other shared attribute, are so ingrained in our human social tribal personality as to be an inherent part of human existence. [8]

If we did not have nation states based upon geographic boundaries, or religion, then we would have these separating groupings—however named—based upon body condition, nose size, eye color, opinion, personal goals, or some other shared distinguishing attribute. Human beings naturally isolate distinguishing attributes and will order and group and tribe—and, while prejudice necessarily implies grouping, grouping does not necessarily imply prejudice. We are simply wired to bond on some common attribute, at some tier of cognizance. The timeless classic, The Lord of the Flies, makes the point nicely.

Therefore, in the real world, with real human beings, based upon all rational evidence available to us, human beings will tend to tribe, divide out, and group at some tier of existence. We can acknowledge that it tends to be an open question subject to debate as to whether the common attribute of the group members is a better one or worse one, or a mean one or a noble one. The fact that groupings will occur is a truth of humanity, why it occurs is not.

There has been a lot of media attention on the nature of the relationship between the current Presidential [Trump] administration with the Russian [Putin] administration. Perhaps this relationship is good, perhaps bad, or perhaps improper or overextended in some regard. The relationship of nation states—such as all relationships that imply a separation—are self-interested groupings based upon some common attribute.

Here is what we know the current [Trump] Presidential administration believes:

Russia is a militarily threat to the United States, but it is not an economic threat to the United States. China is a militarily threat to the United States and also an economic threat to the United States.

The United States is a capitalist system, and its socio-political personal liberty infrastructure is based upon the strength of its economy. Freedoms enjoyed by Americans are ultimately tied to the financial prosperity of the nation. [9, 10]

Threats by China are not to imply that China has done anything wrong, as China is simply be growing its advantage in a field of competing interests, just as the United States and Russia. Nevertheless, China’s power and its threat are growing, and this Presidential administration’s perspective is that China is the largest and growing threat to prosperity in the United States. The Presidential administration may be right or it may be wrong, but that is what it believes.

Therefore, generally speaking, before we knee-jerk condemn perceived relationships with Russia, per se, proper or otherwise, let us at least consider another view of purpose and strategy [of the Trump administration].

China and Russia are separate nation states that share a common border that divides them. They have a complex history because of their adjacent proximity. Unless one gains control of the other, they will never have a true friendship that sustains, even if they are political allies on the surface for certain purposes. They are natural enemies based upon the common attributes of their respective competing groupings.

However, any unification of their interests, even temporarily, would create a formable adverse interest to the United States.

Similarly, a true friendship between the United States and Russia will also never really sustain, even if political allies on the surface, for similar reasons. But, right now, the United States and Russia do have a common attribute of a tie that binds them into a group.

So, to think ahead, the tie between the United States and Russia may not be a great one, maybe it is not even a good one, and it is not without risks and costs, but it may be a smart one, albeit not commonly exposed.

In the Art of War (Strategy), Sun Tzu stated a timeless principle of human weaponry and relationship grouping: The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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[1] Greed is Good? – The Business of Aesop™ No. 9 – The Boy and the Filberts [#GRZ_33]

[2] A More Perfect Middle Class. Or, Diamonds are Forever – Stand for America® [#GRZ_89]

[3] Nature Conforms Action – No. 50. The Scorpion and the Frog – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_50]

[4] Respect, Mercy; Or Sensitive Thoughtfulness- No. 107. The Boy and the Frogs – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series [#GRZ_98_107]

[5] The Reason Why Political and Economic Systems Fail; The Executive Summary [#GRZ_145]

[6] The Corporate Transparency Act; Or, The Master Stroke of Genius, or Horror, Depending… [#GRZ_191]

[7] VI. Simulation and Dissimulation; Or, The Art of the Lie. – Back to Basics Abridgement Series [#GRZ_190]

[8] Seven Key American Principles; Or, a Culture of Breaking Culture [#GRZ_197]

[9] The History of the Decline and Fall of the American Hegemony; Or, Seven Cardinal Deadlies—The Executive Summary [#GRZ_174]

[10] The History of the Decline and Fall of the American Hegemony; Or, Seven Cardinal Deadlies—Citations Reference [#GRZ_175]

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© 2018 Gregg Zegarelli, Esq. Gregg can be contacted through LinkedIn.

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