Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” Leonardo da Vinci. Adopted by Steve Jobs.
There was a young Porcupine who wanted a home, so he asked animals who lived in a Cave if he could move in.
One of the Elders, thinking ahead, warned everyone against it, but the young ones ridiculed him and said there was plenty of room. And so it was that the Porcupine was happily invited into the Cave, and he happily moved in.
But, over the years, the Porcupine grew larger and larger, and his quills began to injure the others. At first, it was barely noticeable, but the pin-pricks increased in number and pain to the others, until, lo and behold, it became unbearable.
So, the animals made a demand that the Porcupine leave their Cave immediately.
But, the Porcupine would have none of it, retorting, “No thank you very much. I am quite happy right where I am, but you can leave if you would like.”
Alas, by this time, the Porcupine had grown so large and powerful that the animals had forfeited their ability to force him to leave. And, so it was that the animals were forced to live in the misery that could have been prevented by the warning that they failed to heed.
Moral of the Story: See the thing from the seed. We oft embrace the thing of our undoing.
Introduction – The Essential Aesop – Epilogue
Related Article: Nature Conforms Action – No. 50. The Scorpion and the Frog – The Essential Aesop™ – Back to Basics Abridgment Series;
Hiring on Hope – The Business of Aesop™ No. 90 – The Cat-Maiden; The Essential Aesop: Epilogue; Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! – Abridgment Series
Why We Loved It: This is one of the favorites, and reduces to the essential purpose of wisdom itself: prediction. Wisdom is all about tendencies and predictions, as explained in The Scorpion and the Frog. Aesop’s lesson reminds us to think it through. We must understand tendencies, and we must accept logical conclusions that naturally result from the premises.
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© 2013 Arnold Zegarelli and Gregg Zegarelli, Esq. Gregg can be contacted through LinkedIn. Arnold Zegarelli can be contacted through Facebook.