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Following is a Chapter 3 excerpt from the Complete Article, as the Complete Article is cited as a 40+ minute read. This excerpt is edited, updated, and has differences from the chapter as first published. This excerpt contemplates reference to the Complete Article to be understood as presented.
3. A Failure to Control the Source of Fuel.
In 1954, post WWII, America was booming, economically, politically and militarily. The automobile industry was powerful and at the core of the bustling American economy. The American Middle Class was naturally strong because the economy was strong. [27]
The problem was fuel. Fuel. America was so hubristically preoccupied enjoying freedom, being cool in that American GTO, and in being the envy of the world, that it foolishly forgot that its industrial engine was a slave to the master of fuel it did not control. And the automobile infrastructure caved-in upon itself. Those academically brilliant financiers didn’t see it coming, or maybe they didn’t care, making too much Wall Street short-term money, so an “F” here to them.
“He who feeds you enslaves you,“ says sage Aesop, who understood human nature, and automobiles were being fed by non-American fuel. [28, *2] The 1970’s fuel shortage brought long lines at the gas pumps by a “gas crisis,” with a progeny of a lot of really ugly cars, from the representative power of the American Goat GTO to the beaten-down eunuched wimpy American Pacer…
Says one university:
The gas crisis was prompted by two events, a war between Israel and surrounding Arab countries and the Iranian Revolution, both of which resulted in serious cuts in the supplies of oil from the Middle East. [30]
The Middle East, seemingly always at war as a general rule, not as the exception. Entangling economic alliances and reliances, embracing religious wars.
And then came the fuel economic regulations matched with environmental regulations, upheaving the power of the American economy, regulating—that is, limiting—the mighty American economic engine that granted the prosperity.
America killed its own industrial might, from within, by economic foolishness of not owning its own fuel, and then regulating the manner of its own competitive power. America’s Wall Street built Dubai, the prosperity of Dubai, and the sheiks who are driving luxurious gas-guzzling Rolls-Royce limousines.
There is a natural hubristic human tendency of people who purport to be “good” to conflate what is noble with what is wise. [31] What is good for a church and what is good for a country—and what is good for this life and what is good for any after-life—are not necessarily the same thing. Die now, live later, does not work for the existential principles of a country.
People can rightly debate the cost on the economy to achieve non-producing (environmental) “good” benefits, but there are two problems.
First, the self-limitation on industrial success in a capitalist economy tends toward existential martyrdom. This is not to bait a rhetorical hyperbolic retort that all regulation is bad, but rather only for the proposition to recognize that self-constraining competitive advantage—that is, killing industry in a capitalistic economy—has an existential cost. Save a tree, kill a country.
Second, it is folly in error to repeat a problem of failing to own the source of fuel, yielding even more self-enslavement by economy-sourced foolishness.
If the enemies of the state wanted to kill a capitalist free country, they would support tripping regulation into the core competitive running industrial engine for a non-money producing purpose (environment), selling it as noble (who can argue with noble?) which it certainly is, and then it would keep the foolish enemy country a slave to its own source of power—fuel—whether it’s oil or EV batteries. We already played this slavery dependency game and lost.
Driving an EV is a badge of American cool only if America owns the fuel; otherwise it’s not the badge of American cool, but only the badge of an American fool.
It’s not about sustaining trees, it’s about sustaining America. Lest our education fail us, the environment issue only exists within the subsidiary Venn-space of the “America Sustainability Crisis.” Every systemic issue in America must yield to existential America sustainability as the critical path priority objective.
For those who are capable to perceive it, the environmental issue defeats its own objective if it is cause of American economic failure, because, in such event, concerns over environment sustainability are vaporized by the greater catastrophe of world destabilization.
Being a powerful band-wagon celebrity “leader” may give hopeful heart-warming influence, but it does not grant socio-politico-economic existential wisdom. [32] If the “blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch,” wisely says Jesus, noting that he presupposed the blind guy is a leader of others. [24.2, 24.3]
Idealists may hope, but the pragmatists keep them alive so they can hope. The sages teach that the pain comes either way, in time. [33]
For America to build an economy with battery-fueled cars, America must have the triumvirate of the materials, the technology, and the industrial might to produce that fuel, independently, such as America had in 1908 with Henry Ford’s Model T; that is, when America owned the steel, the patents, and the factories.
Right now, America owns inflated vapor paper money and $34T of debt. Our own Wall Street sold our industry to foreign countries for its monetary profit, and stock bonuses.
America is a slave, it just doesn’t know it yet; to fix it, America must admit it.
If America repeats the evolution of folly into foreign EV fuel dependence of the materials, the technology, or the industrial power—that is, doing the same thing and expecting a different result—then American genetics are not fit to survive.
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[20] https://www.zippia.com/advice/working-age-population; https://usafacts.org/articles/what-is-the-us-national-debt-and-how-has-it-grown-over-time/?utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=ND-ElectionsGov&msclkid=902217b370f613d502bb7273af761b54 [$36,000,000,000,000, divided by 207,406,609 working age is $173,572 or at two third middle and upper class feeding the system debt of 136,888,362 $262,988]
[24] ONE®: The LinkedIn Reference Set [#GRZ_183] 24.1 ONE: 1022 [T11:19] (“Wisdom Vindicated By Works“); 24.2 ONE: 1325 [T15:14] (“Blind Lead Blind-Ditch“); 24.3 ONE: 296 [L4:23] (“Physician Heal Thyself“); 24.4 ONE: 1661 [T18:6, R9:42, L17:2] (“Millstone); 24.5 ONE: 1143 [T13:13, R4:12] (“Perceive“); 24.6 ONE: 1040: [L10:27] (“Love Neighbor As Self“); 24.7 ONE: 582 [T6:24] (“Serve Two Masters“); 24.8 ONE: 635 [T7:20, L6:44] (“Tree By Its Fruit“); 24.9 ONE: 921 [T10:10] (“Workman Worthy Meat“); 24.10 ONE: 2632 [T26:50, L22:48] (“Betray With A Kiss“); 24.11 ONE: 514 [T5:30, R9:43] (“Right Hand Cause to Sin“); 24.12 ONE: 577 [T6:21] (“Heart Treasure“); 24.13 ONE: 1661 [L10:33] (“You Are Gods”); 24.14 ONE 1747 [L17:20] (“Kingdom Within“); 24.15 ONE: 799 [T9:17, R2:22, L5:37] (“New Wineskins“); 24.16 ONE: 2121 [T22:20, R12:16, L20:24] (“Caesar Coin Tax”); 24.17 ONE: 373 [J2:25] (“Human Nature“); 24.18 ONE 2211 [T23:25, L11:39] (“Inside-Out Hypocrisy“)
See also:
A Farmer had a Goose that began to lay golden eggs.
Each day one new golden egg would be laid by the Goose, and the Farmer grew very rich. However, the Farmer was impatient and tried to get the Goose to lay more than one golden egg each day.
In desperation for even more golden eggs, the Farmer cut the Goose open to get all of eggs at once! And, when he cut the Goose open, he got only the death of his Goose, and no more golden eggs.
Moral of the Story: Unsatisfied with some, we lose all. [99, *58]
The statements or opinions made in this article are solely the author’s own and not representative of any institution regarding which the author is affiliated.
© 2024 Gregg Zegarelli, Esq. Gregg can be contacted through LinkedIn.© 2024 Gregg Zegarelli, Esq. Gregg can be contacted through LinkedIn.
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